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Felix pov*

I was laying on my bed looking at the ceiling out of boredom

"I have to find a new daddy soon before I start becoming a burden to everyone" I mumble to myself I know it's only been two weeks since I was daddy-lis but I don't miss that bastard that treated me badly for 3 years maybe little me dose but big me hates the livening shit out of him

"Ughhhhh" I groan in frustration

"We're am I going to find a new daddy?!!!?" I say as tears start to well up in my eyes

I hear the door open and soon jisung comes in looking all joyful

'What's up with him?' I think to myself

"Lixi!, I was talking to my friend and he said that he had a friend that said he was down to try and be your daddy!!!" Jisung squealed

No fucking way I found a new daddy already

Is this real or what?!!!

"Really!!" I say as I spring up from my bed

"Yeah AND he is freaking loaded!!" Jisung said as he jumped up and down

"O. M. G" I say as i start to squeal and join jisung

"Wait" I say as i look jisung in the eyes and stop jumping

"Are you lying to me?" I say as I raise and eyebrow

"Because this is to good to be true" I say

"No why would I lie to you about this?" Jisung said as he put a hand on his waist and pulled the pregnant pose, he gave me a sassy face

"Ok so if you're not lying and your THIS joyful about me finding a new daddy there HAS to be something in it for you" I say as i point at him

"Ok fineeeee" he sighs

"I may or may not have gotten your new daddy's friends number" he says as he rolls his eyes

"Happy now" he says as he glares at me

"Very, but what's my new daddy's name?" I question

"Hwang Hyunjin"

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