Meeting You - Glenn Rhee

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Running down the road in the town you lived in. Running away from the horrible creatures that you used to call your friends and family. They were now gone. Changed into these vicious monsters. You were running so fast you felt like you were about to faint. You ran off course into the woods to try and escape them. Resting on a log you took out your water and started to drink. Before you could even swallow you heard a twig break. You stood up as fast as lightning pointing your gun in that direction.

"Hey hey, sorry didn't mean to scare you," a man said holding up his hands. "Do you need someone help?" He asked. The man was quite built with black hair. He had a kind face and was holding a gun also which he lowered as he came towards you.

"Why do you want to help?" You asked feeling tense but his friendly face made you feel more comfortable.

"I like meeting new friends," he said smiling. You put your gun back and picked your bottle of water up.

"I saw you running from the walkers and thought you may have needed help? Somewhere to stay?" He offered. Shelter was the only thing going through your mind. You hadn't sleep in a proper bed for days.

"Would that be okay?" You asked worried his people wouldn't agree. "I don't want to intrude" you continued.

"No need, what harm can one person do?" He said with a smile. You smiled back.
"Names Glenn," he said holding out his hand.

"Y/N" you replied shaking his hand "Nice to meet you," you said smiling.

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