Fake Smiles: Part 2

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It was only 2 p.m as I was eating my lunch alone. The other girls were eating in their own groups gossiping about stuff I didn't care for. I couldn't find Angie, so I sat alone on a broken kitchen chair that squeaks when you move it. I got off the chair. "Eeeeeeeeeek" was the noise the chair made. I washed my dishes while gazing out the window. The couple came out of their expensive looking car. I found out their last name. It was Fretz. The blonde woman was dressed in a nice short black dress. Her hair was curled and placed in a bun. She looked stunning. The man was dressed in a nice suit. Isn't it a bit hot out for that? He had his hair styled nicely and his blue eyes looked brighter than ever.  They greeted the headmistress and walked past me by the kitchen. Mr.Fretz walked back to wave hello. I waved back too. I walked out into the living room to look for Angie. No sign of her. "Where's Angie?" I asked the other girls. No one knew where she was. I checked all of the girls rooms. There are approximately 76 girls living in this house. Some of the rooms were locked because we weren't allowed in there. I eventually gave up and went back downstairs. " there she is" cheerfully said the headmistress. The Fretz were standing right next to her.
"The Fretz would like to talk to you privately Ellie." I followed the headmistress and the Fretz to her office. When you walked in, there was a sudden chill to the room. The room was painted bright brown, only one large window, a dark brown desk, an office chair and a ugly yellow dirty couch. Suprisingly, the Fretz had no problem sitting on the yellow couch. I sat right next to Mr.Fretz, who gave me a warm smile. " okay you have 35 minutes to speak to her, if you need me the buzzer is under my desk." "That won't be necessary." Replied Mr Fretz. "Be careful, she's a handful" The headmistress replied slyly. As the door closed, I was face to face with a couple who looked just as anxious as I did. " okay well wow, hi" spoke Mrs. Fretz. She was fideting in her chair a lot. Mr. Fretz looked at his wife and back at me. " we just wanted to talk to you personally to see if...you know." "What do they want?" Hissed the voice in my head. "What do you'll want from me?" I said hastily. Mrs. Fretz looked rather uncomfortable and whispered to her husband. " Do you like candy?" Mr.Fretz rummages his right pocket to reveal a weird pink candy wrapped in pink wrapper. "You do realize this is how kids get kidnapped?" I laughed. Mr.Fretz laughs and says, " I'm sorry." I reach over and take the candy. "Thank you." Mrs. Fretz nudges Mr. Fretz on his shoulder excitingly. For the next 20 minutes, they asked questions about me like what do I like, what's my favorite color, and so much more. The voices in my head were gone and I was smiling for once... a real smile. It wasn't that fake smile where you tried to hide your emotions...it was that one smile that made you feel human again. It was that smile that made you feel warm and happy. But here's the problem. My happiness isn't permanent. It goes away as I'm drowning in the darkness again. I am diagnosed with depression from what the doctors told me a few years ago. The headmistress told me I was faking it. Why would anyone want to be stuck in a dark hole and see light every blue moon? No one. Point is, I'm worried this happiness I felt was only for today. " They're not going to choose you." Said the voice in my head. I didn't respond. I watched the Fretz leave in their nice car through the front window. Mr. Fretz smiled at me and I gave him my fake smile back.
I went back to the room to see the girls waiting for me. " why are they only coming to see you?" Complained one girl. " I..I ..I don't know" I stuttered. The other girls went on complaining about how unfair it was that I got to speak to them privately. I didn't care though. I wanted to know where Angie was. Did a family adopt her already ? Was she mad at me? Did I do something wrong? The lights were turned off in the room like my heart did. I was empty, lonely and scared. I started to cry myself to sleep. " It's going to be okay." "No, it's not
Don't lie to her." "Why must you always taunt her? Let her be happy." "It's called reality, don't feed her this happy bullshit. She's going to hate life, everyone will eventually leave her, she's going to want to leave and she's going to kill herself." I stayed awake with the voices in my head for hours. I felt a bump in my right pocket. It was the pink candy Mr. Fretz had given me. I opened it slowly and placed it on my tongue. It was sweet. Really sweet. I smiled softly and the voices were gone.

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