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#08| too much to handle.
bags * clairo
"cant you see me? im waiting for the right time."

Y/n couldn't recall when she had started feeling this way, everyday felt like a continuous

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Y/n couldn't recall when she had started feeling this way, everyday felt like a continuous

cycle that she just had to follow along with.

If anyone were to ask her about it she would probably won't tell them the truth because she doesn't want them to worry, the only one who she would always trust with her secrets was Riki. But he's gone now.

Everyday was suffocating to her and every single night she thinks "If he were still here, I could still talk to him and I know he would understand."

But for some reason she felt a certain comfort towards Niki, he reminded her of Riki. They shared a similar name which was so funny to her, not one night went by where she didnt think about her childhood lover.

She's been here for a month now, her and Niki started building a bond and grew close together.

Everyday when she would wake up and change her scars would haunt her every time, she was terrified of anyone walking in and seeing them at any moment.

Something about his look whenever she fidgets with her ring makes her wonder, he always starts staring at her hands or zoning out. Sometimes she would have thoughts that he was Riki, but there's no way right? Yet everything about them is so similar.

She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard her door let out a loud squeaking, her head snapping towards the direction of the noise.

A familiar chuckle that she had secretly adored filled her ears.

"Woah.. calm down now I'm not a serial killer trying to murder you." he teased, making her scoff as she patted the area next to her on her bed.

"Oh shut up. This is a reminder for me to always lock my door."

The mattress sunk down as he sat down, his eyebrow slightly raising as his mouth opened to speak.

"Why is your door unlocked? Like dude what if someone walks in while you're changing or sleeping.." he said as his face scrunched up, a small habit of his that she always notices.

"Uhm well, I forgot to okay.. And plus if that happened I would beat them up because I'm like super strong and amazing." she joked.

"Oh please. I could literally fling you across the room, don't even right now.."

She looked at him from the corner of her eyes looking him up and down in a jokingly manner, his lips curling up as he snorted.

"Anyways, let's go, I'm bored. And plus you have to leave your room anyways you bum." the bed rising as his weight was shifted off of it, his hand reaching for hers while he pulled her off of her bed.

A groan leaving her lips as the taller boy dragged her on the polished wooden floors, making her being able to slide around easily so she had no option but to allow Niki to pull on her hand, making her follow him around like a puppy on a leash.

The bleached hallways hurt her eyes as they were such a bright white, just pure bright white. Not a single sign of the paint aging besides the small cracks in the wall along with the paint slightly peeling off.

Everytime she left her room to go somewhere, she felt as if she was getting flash banged. She was always used to her room which was always dark but would be illuminated with smaller lights. Like her vanilla scented candles, and her fairy lights that were constantly on.

"You know, you always remind me of a cat. Whenever we leave your room you start squinting your eyes trying to adjust to the light just like one." he spoke as he nudged her shoulder lightly.

"Oh shut up." she spoke under her breath as she smiled slightly.

Once they walked towards where everyone was, it fell silent. She felt the mood of the air change, a weird feeling in her stomach as she had a confused look on her face while she looked around.

Niki leaning towards her ear as he softly whispered.

"What the actual fuck is happening.."

Her head slowly turned around as she cupped her hands around his ears.

"I don't know man.."

Sunoo quickly ran up to them and pulled them away. His hands clutching onto Y/ns as he gave her a stern look.

"Girl.. Did you actually say that to Rei or not.. I don't even believe her but I'm just making sure."

She exchanged a confused glance with Niki.

"Say.. what..?" she questioned with her eyebrows furrowed.

Sunoo reaches for his pocket, pulling out his phone as he scrolls for a bit before turning it around to show the two. Their eyes sliding across the screen as they read each word carefully, the black haired girl's mouth sat slightly agape once she finished reading, while the oreo boy chuckled.

"I didn't say this, I don't have any of her information nor is that my account.. She literally spelt my username wrong." she groaned with annoyance.

"Who is that dumb to actually believe this? Please tell me no one fell for this dumbass shit."

"Our friendgroup already knew that she was faking that shit, it was really obvious it was edited.. But there are a few that are actually taking her side." the pink hair boy explained, awkwardly saying the last part as he tried not to laugh.

"Okay, thanks for telling me, I think I'm gonna go back to my room." her hands fidgeting with her ring, there again. Nikis eyes darted towards the ring.

Sunoo nodded his head, walking back towards the others. Niki followed along side the girl trying to muster up the courage to speak, he never understood why his heart would beat so fast every time he saw her, or the way he gets butterflies when she talks to him.

But the thing is, he does know why. And it's because he's completely aware that Y/n is his Y/n.

And he is absolutely in love with her.

And he is absolutely in love with her

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wrotebynrk 2024

HI CUTIES IM BACK.. after 7 months erm.
lets hope u guys didnt forget abt this book 😇

i missed u guys alot mwah!

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