#01| last dinner walk away as the door slams * lil peep "i cant leave here anytime soon, i got something to do."
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The yells and shouts of my parents were heard in the background as I folded my clothes, I started to wonder.
Did I really get that bad?
'Our daughter is fucking insane Heejin! She's going to a fucking mental hospital for crying out loud?! Can't you accept the fact that she needs help?'
My grip tightened around the folded piece of clothing, of course it was my dad speaking. As if he could give a single fuck about me, he wanted me gone for a fact and I knew it. No matter how hard he tried to hide how he felt.
I let out a shaky breath as I shoved the folded piece of clothing into my duffle bag, something deep down inside me knew he was right. Yet I didn't wanna admit it. I knew I wasn't okay, I haven't been for a while.
My room was unrecognizable now, everything was taken down and it was just..plain. I threw my bag to the other side of the room as I dragged my feet across the floor walking downstairs to my parents. Their voices died down trying to hide the fact they were arguing about me even though it was quite obvious. My mothers face changed from an upset face to a smile.
"Hey my girl, I'm making your favorite meals tonight." my mom said with a smile as she pulled me into a tight embrace while my father stood a few feet away and cleared his throat. My mom had always tried for me, no matter what the situation she tried helping me. Meanwhile, on the other hand my dad was the polar opposite. Growing up he didn't like me, he never did. We would always argue and get into fights and he had always favorited my younger brother as I was just the stupid 'mistake child ' he and my mom created in their early teen years.
I looked up to my mom with teary eyes, I didn't wanna leave my family at all. Her eyes had a look of sadness as she gave me a weak smile and wiped my eyes.
"Don't cry." she whispered to me, she leaned in connecting our foreheads.
"Come help me cook, your brother will be home from his basketball practice soon" she said those familiar words for the last time as she held my hand dragging me to the kitchen with her, my eyes trailed up to the man I called my father. He stood there looking at us while he put his coat on, ready to pick up my brother. Yet for some reason I could've sworn I saw a small tear drop from his cheek. Maybe I was hallucinating .
Throughout the years I would always help my mother with cooking, and by the time my younger brother got home from his basketball practice we would be finished with the meal and we all ate together, tonight will be the last time in months, maybe years.
I helped my mom with the cooking but I was lost in my mind during the whole process leading to me messing up a lot. Without noticing I had sliced my finger cutting something, I took in a shaky breath as I stared at the deep cut that was on my finger, already spewing with blood. My mom stopped what she was doing and came running to me after she saw that I got hurt, I turned my head and stared at her while she placed my finger under the cold running water.