Preparations & Planning

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The chill wind blew as another day had dawned. Instead of opening his cafe like usual, Three was outside with Eggdog, raking the leaves while his pup sat under the tree like a good boy. He felt something light touch him as he looked up and saw a small leaf had fallen on his head. Eggdog became quite curious with it, snuffing it into the air and catching it with his mouth. He then heard a small grumble come from not so far away as the pup watched his poor dad struggling to rake up all the leaves. "Stupid time of year...making me have to clean this all myself."

Eggdog whined as he wished he could do something to help his owner, but he was much too small to hold a rake. He then saw the leaves falling one by one from the tree above him and that gave him an idea. When one fell, Eggdog caught it on his nose and happily strode over to Smg3 with his pile of leaves. Three was just about to call quits when he saw his helpful companion come over with a leaf and carefully placed it on the pile. "Awww thanks buddy." He patted Eggdog on the head as the dog yapped and wagged its tail.

Mario was eating a bowl of spaghetti when he saw the giant pile of leaves by Three's cafe. With no disregard to the consequences, he bolted full speed towards the pile and jumped head first with his morning snack still in his hands. "GERONIMOOOO!!!" By the time Three turned around it was too late. Leaves scattered everywhere and in place of his neat stack was a stupid Italian, covered in pasta sauce and leaves stuck to him.

He glanced up to see Three and Eggdog, giving him the look of death. "Mario's learned his lesson. Never jump in a pile of leaves with spaghetti!" Three clenched his fists and yelled "MARIO I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" He raised his rake up, scaring the begeebers out of the Italian as he booked it down the path. Three didn't show any signs of stopping however, hot on the idiot's trail. He chased him around in circles with the rake, slamming it onto the ground a few times in attempt to hit him. Finally, Mario made it inside the castle and locked the doors as he heard pounding from the other side.


"What's the password?"

Three broke down the doors with rake in hand and looking extremely pissed off. "Ooooo Smg3 looks like a scary mons-"



A few days later, Mario checked his calendar to see that it was only a week till halloween (does he even know how to read calendars). His face lit up and he jumped for joy, rushing towards the game room with a paper and pencil in hand. Mario dove face first into the couch and twisted his head around, excitedly writing down some sort of letter in poor, scribbly hand writing.

"Der gret plumkin. Merio is loking 4werd to ure arivel en halowen. Ples sen him lota presnts lek spegtti luncher!"

While he was composing the worse letter known to mankind, Four came in the room to look for something. He noticed the Italian hard at work with some kind of writing...if you could even call it that. "Mario? What are you doing?" He turned to his best friend and happily told him "Mario's writing to the Great Pumpkin of course! On halloween night, he rises from the pumpkin patch oooo very scary!" Four stared at him like his brain just caught on fire, turning towards the camera to see if the audience was just as confused as he was.

"Then he flies around and hands out lots-a fun gifts to the nice girls and boys!" Mario demonstrated by flapping his arms around like a bird as Smg4 groaned and said " You're crazy Mario. When are you going to stop believing in those stupid stories!?"

"It's not stupid! You all believe in the hobo with the red suit!"

"You've met Santa before Mario! He was even in last year's Christmas episode! Besides, that's more believable than some flying orange gourd!"

Mario felt offended and crossed his arms, refusing to speak another word. Four sighed and grabbed the box of decorations he was looking for. "Fine. But don't complain when he doesn't come...FOR THE TENTH YEAR IN A ROW!" Mario rolled his eyes, mimicking the blue eyed man by going "blah blah blah." He went back to writing his letter when someone else popped in.

"YO MARIO. YOU GOT ANY SPARE CHARGERS. I'M TRYING TO WATCH MY DEFINITELY LEGAL STREAM." Bob looked up to see the fatso working on something. Curious, he slung over the couch to watch.

"Merio is sory mor peple beleve in sandy claws then u. Meybe won dey tey wil."

He was once again taken out of his thoughts by the sounds of snickering behind him. "LOL. YOU'RE STILL WRITING TO THAT FAKE PUMPKIN DUDE!?" Mario hugged the paper close to his chest and shot back "Mind your own beeswax Bob! And the Great Pumpkin is not fake! You'll see!"


"This year will be different!" Mario crossed his arms with the paper still tucked underneath them as Bob burst into hysterical laughter and fell on the floor. "Y-You...You stinky!" was all the Italian could think of for a good comeback, but it didn't faze Bob at all as he crawled out the door into the lobby.

Wiping away his tears of joy, Bob noticed a pair of boots in front of him as he looked up to see the orange haired girl of the hour. "What's so funny Bob?" He pointed to the gaming room, still laughing his head off. She knew exactly who he was referring to. "Mario..." Bob was pounding the floor and cackling as Meggy helped him up in annoyance. "Go take a walk Bob. I'll deal with him."

She lightly knocked on the door, letting herself in and resting her elbows on the couch. "Red, you really need to quit this habit. You're an adult and sometimes you just have to accept that not all stories are true."

"But Mario knows this one is! He can prove it!"

"Mario." She put a hand on his shoulder. "We've had a really rough couple of weeks and all we want is a night to just hang out. Can't you just forget about that stupid pumpkin for one year and spend time with your friends?" That was the last straw for Mario. He yanked himself away from Meggy and stood up, gripping the paper for dear life. "Fine! If you don't care then Mario will just leave! This place sucks anyway!"

"But Mario-"

He didn't listen and ran past her, not stopping until he was far away from the castle. It didn't take long for his legs to wear out and he slowed to a walk, catching his breath for a moment. Noticing the autumn trees around him, he sat down underneath one of them in the shade and pulled out his letter to continue writing.

"Merio dosnt udersand y hes fiends tink u r a fek."

He felt the pencil trail off the paper until he frowned sadly and wrote down "Ur no fek...rigt?" Mario squeezed his legs tightly, trying not to cry.

What he didn't know was that a strange figure was watching him from afar.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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It's The Great Pumpkin SMG4 (Marware Halloween Special)Where stories live. Discover now