
42 1 2

Sunday October 6, 2024 12:34
Javon's pov
I was walking into the gas station when I saw this very pretty girl so I waved at her, she smiled and waved back. Jaden and Jayla were following behind me "someone's got a crush" Jayla said "shut up, I don't even know her" I said and went to grab a water. Jayla grabbed a bag of chips and a water and Jaden grabbed just a water. "what time we going training?" Jaden asked "we got to be there at 1" I respond. when Jaden asked that it made me think of the girl I accidentally texted this morning so I pulled out my phone and texted her.

hey loser
dang I'm already a loser
wow anyways whatcha doing?
just left the gas station fixing to go train wbu?
walking home
we should call sometime id love to see who I'm actually talking too
idk what if I'm a old man?
maybe your a cute old man
idk about that but I'm down , tonight?
that works ill ft you when I can!
hearted by y/n

y/n's pov
I couldn't stop thinking about the boy I saw at the gas station he's so cute. WAIT what if Javon is the boy who walked into the gas station? I mean he texted me saying he's was just at a gas station. I'm probably just going delusional there's no way Javon lives in Georgia. anyways I take my AirPods out my ears and place them back into the case and walk into my house. "where tf have you been young lady?" my mom instantly says as I walk into the door "I just went to the gas station and back" I respond "you're grounded no more leaving the house" she said. I run upstairs and lay in my bed and cry. why am I grounded? what did I do? I ended up crying myself to sleep.

4:35 pm
I wake up with dry tears stuck to my face and my phone in my hand. I look down at the time and see it's already 4. I hope Javon is done training I'm so ready to actually see him. I check my phone to see if I had any messages or calls from anyone (specifically Javon) and I did.

Hey y/n I just made it home let me know when you're ready to call.
delivered 1:30
y/nnn helloooo
delivered 2:56
Did I do something?
delivered 4:10
hey Javon! I'm so sorry I fell asleep but I'm ready to call whenever you are!
thank goodness I've been waiting!

incoming ft from Javon
Accept Decline

I'm so nervous! what if he thinks I'm ugly and stops talking to me? I turn on my led lights to a soft purple color and answer the ft.

stay tuned for part 3! Is Javon the boy she saw at the gas station? keep reading

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