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Sunday October 6 2024 4:45 pm
y/n's pov
"hii wait you look familiar!" we both say at the same time "you're the boy i waved at earlier" I say with a smile on my face "and you're the girl i waved at earlier" he says also smiling. "so you live in Georgia?"he continues "I do" I say "what a coincidence" i continue and laugh "we should hangout sometime" he says "It'll have to be whenever I'm ungrounded" I say "you're grounded? I didn't take you as a bad kid" he says "all I did was walk to the gas station and back and my mom grounded me" I say "did she say till when?" he asked "no she probably already forgot she grounded me" I say while laughing "well I'm free basically any night and I can drive so I can pick you up?" he asked "yes ofc" I respond. we end up talking for another hour and then he has to go,we both say bye and then he hangs. I put my phone face down on my bed and start doing my little happy dance. my mom barges in "who was you talking too?" she says with a sweet tone in her voice "a boy" I respond "what's his name?" she says sitting down on my bed "since when do you care?" I ask "I know I haven't been the best too you hunny but I really am going to put in the work to stop drinking and be better for you" she says with tears rolling down her face "I called AA and I'm going to start doing therapy" she continues. all I could do is hug her, I know she hasn't been the best to me but she's my mother and at least she trying to be better. I'm not fully gonna believe her until I see improvement but for now this will do. I haven't hugged my mom in like 4 months so this felt nice. she rubs my back and kisses my head "you're not grounded anymore i understand why you left" she says "thank you mom" I say and then she gets up and leaves. I pick up my tv remote and turn on American Horror Story and then check my phone

I can't wait to hangout with you!
is there anyway you could do tonight?
absolutely send your addy :)
hearted by y/n

Sunday October 6,2024 6:30 pm
Y/n's pov
Javon just arrived at my house and I'm super nervous I know we've FaceTimed but it's so different when you see each other in person. I slip on my shoes and run downstairs "hey mom I'm going to hangout with that boy I was talking about" I say and give her a quick hug "have fun and be safe please" she says and gives me a hug back, "I will I love you" I say running out the house. Javon was waiting at the passenger side of his car "you're so gorgeous" he says and gives me a hug "thank you, you're not that bad yourself" I say with a big smile on my face. he opens the passenger door and I get in and he closes it, he walks back to the driver side and gets in. "do you want aux?" he asks "yes" I say and he hands me his phone. I play "500lbs"by lil tecca and put his phone down in the cup holder "you want food? Bc I'm starving" he asked "yeah it's the only reason I'm hangout with you tbh" I say and then start laughing "wow rude" he says and places one of his hands on his heart "I'm just playing you big baby i actually wanna get to know you'" I say "so what it sounds like your saying is we should go get food and then go to the park?" he says and looks over at me "The park? at night time?" i say "who's the big baby now?" y/n I'm a boxer I know how to fight" he says, "let's do it then" I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2024 ⏰

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