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Summer-pg.6 Issue 1 07/14/15 Summer 2015

Alright, to start things off my username on here is AutumnKaye13. This is the second project I am a part of and I'm really excited about it. I have an amazing group of friends and we call ourselves the WGS. I am a huge Belieber and spend most of my time listening to music. I mostly listen to country, but I also listen to rap and pop. My favorite color is purple and my friends decided to nickname me fall.

What is your favorite book?
-I read a lot of Nicholas Sparks books so I would say anything by him.

What are your hobbies?
-My hobbies include:
•Binge watching tv series on Netflix.
•Singing and rapping. (Even though I sound like a dying animal and mumble most of the words 😂)
•Most of all SLEEPING!

What is your favorite song?
-My favorite songs change all of the time. Right now my favorite songs are What You Want To Hear by Dustin Lynch and Up by Justin Bieber.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
-I'm still undecided. I'm leaning toward the medical field but anything is possible.

Are you a fangirl?
-Definitely! (Justin! 😍❤️)

How tall are you?
-Around 5'10

What is your favorite number?
-My favorite numbers are 21, 13, and 3.

What grade are you in?
-I'll be in 10th grade in the fall.

I hope you guys enjoy the magazine!

- Summer

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