Victim Card

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Victim card - Maya Karli

To the girl who told my boyfriend
No one liked us together;
To the girl that called me fucked up names
Behind my back;
To the girl who's just so bitter 'bout her life
She's gotta s**t on mine;
It's confidence you lack

"What's up fellows" Marinette screamed into the mic as soon as she entered the stage. "This next song is dedicated to my old friend of mine, I hope y'all will enjoy" 

"See Alya I told you she would sing a song just for me" Lila exclaimed not even realizing how the song goes. 

Alya the foolish followed along "You are so lucky girl, to have such a wonderful sister."

The guitar starts off strong and the crowds up and cheering. Nettie was singing her recent hit "the victim card".

And now your life's becoming such a mess
Because karma's a b***h and it's got your address
Listen to the words that come out of my mouth

Lila and her bunch of sheep's aka the Akuma class were invited to the concert currently held under the Eiffel tower. They had received the invitation with first seat tickets in their mail on Tuesday morning. While Lila jumped to claim that Nettie was her sister and that she had been the one to ask for such tickets, everybody believed her without any questions.

While all along, it was Marinette's plan to expose and dispose the liar for once and for all.

You do not get to treat other people wrong
Then turn around and pull out the victim card
I do not trust you, I never did
I saw right through all of the bulls**t
You do not get to treat other people wrong
Then pull out the victim card

Once the first verse hit the mic, the screen behind Mari lit up with images of Lila talking to Lukka. which was soon followed by other images of texts between Lila and Lukka. Each of the texts was clearly saying that Lukka could do better than Mari. In other word it was clear she was trying to steal him from Mari.

Soon these images transitioned to the texts between Mari and Lila. The vile texts send from Lila while Mari actively avoided. They ranged from insults to body shaming, to threats to soon worse things.

To the girl who has two faces
But pretends she's an angel;
To the girl that hid her vile side
But just played nice;
To the girl who's just like
Every person I hate, oh;
Maybe next time you'll think twice

Soon the images were replaced with videos off Lila bulling Mari. Even the threats were up in recording being shown.

What worse was that the way she acted as the victim Infront of the others was shown. and obviously the way the class bullied her was also shown in the video playing in the back. 

One of the scenes showed how Lila poured her cup of juice directly onto Marinette's sketch book. The same book that Lila claimed was her sketch book and that Mari had done the act.

And now your life's becoming such a mess
Because karma's a b***h and it's got your address
Listen to the words that come out of my mouth

The class and Lila were stunned to say the least. Soon to say they had regrets forming in their minds about how they treated Marinette. Seeing how the bullying looked like was worse than they thought. sure, they did bully her but not they never thought they had crossed a line.

But what they were most stunned about was that Marinette and Nettie was one person. and Marinette was definitely not Lilas sister. Figuring out that Lila had lied all this time was the last straw for Alya. (A/Nand you had believed her over ur own friend)

"YOU LIED TO US" she said, pointing her fingers at Lila "

"I can explain" crocodile tears streaming down her face Lila acted as though she was the victim while suppressing her anger down

You do not get to treat other people wrong
Then turn around and pull out the victim card
I do not trust you, I never did
I saw right through all of the bulls**t
You do not get to treat other people wrong
Then pull out the victim card
Then pull out the victim card

As the song came to an end, the spotlight was shining on Lila and the class. The crowd had started throwing their plastic cups at them, some even filled with coffee or juice or any other liquid. The police began making their way across the crowd and this time Lila could not escape, since the crowd had cornered them.

(x4) You ain't nothin' but a mean girl
You ain't nothin' but a b***h
You ain't nothin' but a mean girl
I've had enough of this

"Lila Rossi, you are now under arrest for assault, bullying, slander and for spreading disinformation." Marinette said into the mic.  

You do not get to treat other people wrong
Then turn around and pull out the victim card
I do not trust you, I never did
I saw right through all of the bulls**t
You do not get to treat other people wrong
Then pull out the victim card
Then pull out the victim card


also what song do y'all suggest I do next.

~ your lovely author 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07 ⏰

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