Forty two | B A C K S T A B B E R

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I took a seat at the country club's bar, ordering a martini on the rocks from the waiter. As I waited for my drink to arrive, I noticed Ruthie approaching me.

"I'll have the same, please," she said to the waiter, then turned to me with a smile. "Hey, I know we got off on the wrong foot at the charity gala, but we're both kooks, so maybe we could have some decorum with each other?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I wanted to engage with such a girl like Ruthie, but I nod in agreement either way. We chatted briefly, sipping our drinks, before Ruthie gestured for us to join our boyfriends.

As we made our way over to Topper and Rafe, Topper launched into a conversation about screwing over the Pogues by making amends for some past slight. Ruthie chimed in, "Oh, drink to that! But I don't know about Scarlett and Rafe," she raised her brows.

Rafe and I exchanged a glance. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked Ruthie, my brow furrowing in confusion.

"I mean, your friends with Sofia, right?" she said, her voice dripping with a belittling tone.

Rafe stepped in, "Sofia? what about her?"

Ruthie shrugged, "Well she's a Pogue right? aren't you guys like close or something? Maybe you guys won't be up for it."

My eyes narrowed at that.

"Listen, just because she babysits for us doesn't mean she's our friend," Rafe continued, his words making me wonder if he'd ever considered Sofia a friend at all.

I looked up at Rafe, searching for answers, but his expression was unreadable. I snap my head towards the entrance of the country club thinking I had spotted Sofia but maybe it was just my eyes playing tricks on me. I turned back to Ruthie, frustration getting the best of me.

"She's a great person. Don't narrow her down to just being a Pogue," I said, voicing my frustration.

Rafe came to his senses just then and nodded in agreement, but Ruthie's response was patronizing, "Well, to each their own I guess."

I rolled my eyes, setting my glass down with a loud clink. "I'm gonna leave."

Rafe grabbed my arm, "Where are you going you just got here." he asked and I shot back, "I'm going to see Sofia, because she's my friend and better company than Ruthie."

I shot Ruthie a parting glance, then turned and walked away. I made my way to my car, the drive to Sofia's house feeling like a much-needed escape from the toxic atmosphere of the bar.

Sofia greeted me with a warm smile when I arrived to her place on the cut, she lead me to her bedroom where we settled in for a long-overdue chat.

As we sipped tea and gossiped about the latest drama, I couldn't help but notice that Sofia seemed a little off. She was quieter than usual, and her responses seemed forced.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked, "You seem a"

Sofia shrugged, waving her hand dismissively. "I'm just cramping, that's all. Don't mind me."

I nodded, though I wasn't entirely convinced. I've used that excuse many times. Just then, Sofia's father appeared in the doorway, asking to speak with her in private. Sofia excused herself, leaving me alone in her bedroom.

I waited, browsing through Sofia's bookshelf and browsing through her phone. Finally, Sofia returned, "Hey, you remember that girl Hollis who was talking to Rafe?" Sofia asked, plopping down on the bed beside me.

I furrowed my brows, trying to recall the conversation. "Yeah, what about her?"

"I think you guys should give her a shot about that business deal," Sofia said.

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