Forty three | T H E A U C T I O N

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- one week later | THE AUCTION

I woke up to the most gentle, loving kiss on my forehead. My eyes fluttered open to find Rafe's warm smile mere inches from mine. "Happy birthday, Scarlett."

I stretched, "Mmm, thanks, Rafe. Best wake-up call ever." I reached out to touch his cheek, feeling the rough stubble on his jaw.

Rafe chuckled and kissed me again, this time on the lips. "Get ready, we've got a big day ahead. Tommy's been waiting to bake your birthday cake." He nodded towards the kitchen, where Tommy was bouncing with excitement in his high chair.

I sat up, "Aww, that sounds like so much fun!" I threw off the covers, revealing my favorite shirt of Rafes his checker board button up.

Rafe's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled. "You look adorable, birthday girl."

We made our way to the kitchen, where Tommy was waiting patiently, "Happy birthday, Mommy!" He squealed.

Rafe and I exchanged a glance. This was going to be a special day. We all got dressed - Rafe in his faded apron, Tommy in his miniature chef's hat, and me in my birthday dress.

As we mixed and measured, Rafe and I worked together to bake the cake as Tommy watched from his high chair.

Finally, we slid the cake into the oven, and the aroma of sweet vanilla and chocolate filled the air. Twenty minutes later, we took the cake out, and Rafe carefully placed 20 candles on top. Rafe wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close as we gazed at the cake together.

We sang "Happy Birthday" in unison, our voices a little off-key but the love was there. Then, Rafe handed me a slice of the still-warm cake, and we dug in together.

"Mmm, this is amazing," I said, opening my eyes to find Rafe's gaze on me. "You guys are the best birthday team ever."

Rafe smiled, "What do you have planned for today?"

"I'm gonna meet up with Sofia and head to the auction later," I replied, taking another bite of the cake.

Rafe nodded, "I've got a meeting with Hollis tonight. We're signing the deal."

I smiled, "That's amazing, babe. You deserve it."

We finished our cake, and then it was time to get ready to leave. Rafe gathered Tommy's things, and I grabbed my bag. "I'll drop Tommy off at daycare," Rafe said, giving me a quick kiss. "You go get 'em at the auction."

"I will. And don't forget, tonight we celebrate - just the two of us."

Rafe winked, and headed out the door.

— the auction

I stood at the back of the crowded auction hall, my eyes fixed on Sofia as she stood at the front of the room. She was selling the land I had just bought and slightly renovated. I blended in with the crowd as best as I could.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's auction," Sofia began, "Up for grabs is a beautiful property, located in the heart of Kildare, starting at a mere 90,000 dollars. Who will start the bidding?"

I gripped my bidding paddle tightly, preparing myself for this sham we're about to do, "I do!" I said. "90,001 dollars for the property please."

"Alright, 90,001 dollars anyone bidding higher than that?" Sofia looked around the room.

Then a voice echoed through the room, their paddle rising, "90,500 dollars."

Sofia's gaze swept the room, her eyes lingering on each face. "90,500 dollars, do I hear 95,000?"

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