The prison cell

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Aefrine went quickly looking for any sight for Larry when he heard the voice in a distance:
"Over 'ere master !"

He sprinted after the voice and used his arrows as always to swing from tree to tree until he found him . The small skeleton was holding the princesse above his head and running like she was just a pillow . Aefrine landed next to him and continued running.  He knew that from a certain distance, his arrow would eventually fade out .  In the meantime,  he asked :
"What did you do to Fred?"

"Oh t'at blond man ? Well , 'e didn't let me take t'e girl like you ordered so I punc'ed 'im away."
Just like that ? With one punch?
"Are you strong?"
"I suppose I am...?"

Aefrine was impressed.  He didn't really expect a 4.8 skeleton to wield such strength. Who would have?
His focus shifted to the princesse.  He wanted to know if she was in a dangerous condition.  He remembered the pink dust and how some of it almost made him go to bed . But he will quickly forget about that as he examined the girl's face . She had green skin . In addition,  her ears were quite pointy like a triangle.  Aefrine was just surprised by this . He did have a bad feeling about this .

"Are there people who have green skin ?"
"Well , orcs normally 'ave green skin and tall p'ysique . T'ey are like 'umans but bigger and stronger. T'ey live in t'e North.  "

The orc's eyes started to open . She hastily shredded the scarf covering her mouth with her teeth and moved her body in all directions, trying to free herself from the chain . All whilst shouting weird words that neither Larry nor Aefrine could understand.

"Don't worry, we are trying to help ." Aefrine tried to explain.  She spitted in his eye, almost blinding him .
" 'ey don't disrespect my master like t'at !'

Larry was about to throw the girl away when his master raised  his hand to signal that he was okay . Aefrine was thinking of resting for a moment and freeing the girl, and explaining everything to her . But he doubted her ability to understand him . In the end , he decided to continue forward until he found someone who could help . She is a princess. After all, there must be someone looking for here.

And that's when he spotted a column of lights in the distance. It must be a caravan.  Aefrine knew from his years of stealing from such people that there was always a guard or more that protected the travellers.  He could  ask for their help .

But as he approached more, he felt that coming out of nowhere with a moving skeleton and a tidied orc princess felt pretty suspicious. Despite that ,he had no better options .

However,  he didn't need to worry about anything. For he felt a huge solid surface hit the back of his head that sent him flying. The next thing he knew,  he was unconscious.

As the boy opened his eyes , the memories of the night poured into his head like a tea pot . He rised, searching for Larry, the girl, and whatever hit his head . Yet, all he could find was a brick wall from three sides and iron bars from the fourth. The cell was barely visible as some hanging torchs in the outside corridor were only the thing, keeping the whole place from turning into an abyss .

Aefrine hastily went to the iron door and yelled with all his might to the only person he knew.

Only then he realised that right next to his cell was a guard wielding a long spear . As the guard went to silence the boy , Aefrine took himself away from the bars . The guard yelled at him, probably telling the boy to shut up . Aefrine didn't understand him, for he also had the same features of the princesse: green  skin , pointed ears . Aefrine concluded that he also was an orc  . He was larger than a normal human . He was almost the size of the iron door, which was definitely not built for humans .

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