Chapter 1

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The job of a noble lady is simple, look pretty and attract a good husband of noble background. It isn't hard or so I'm told by my mother. She would always say "Lavina, don't ever marry for love. Marry the right man and you're set for the rest of your life". My mother was a lords daughter, barely even a noble herself. According to mother, Grandma was a Baroness who married a commoner for love and gifted him a mine. With the money acquired from the mine, he bought himself the title of a lord. The highest status a commoner can receive is that of a Baron and only the king can grant that particular position once earned. Mother resented grandmother for marrying a man who brought ruin onto the Baron household. He transferred all their assets and title to himself and kicked them out. Luckily for mother, she was an incredible beauty. She forfeited her family name, seduced father and became the duchess of the house of Windsor. As for grandma, she couldn't take the betrayal, she fell sick and passed away. Father helped mother cover up her background and maintain her standing in high society. Mother had give children. Two males and three females. I am the youngest of the house, a truly insignificant member of the family. My brother Lucian is set to inherit the dukedom, brother Landon is an elite knight who has been promised the hand of Lady Ophelia the Emperor's beloved daughter. Though lady Ophelia is not in the direct royal line, she is the daughter of the Emperor's favourite lover and is favoured by him. Sister Elowen is engaged to the second in line to the throne prince Alaric and Sister Celeste is one of the most coveted women in the entire empire for her unique eyes and incredible beauty, not to mention her rare ability to make moon flowers bloom. Unlike all four of them, I have nothing special to offer. I have not connection to the royal family, combat ability, wisdom to lead or powers. Instead, I have generic blue eyes. My eye color would have been special if only more than sixty percent of commoners did not posses the same eye color as me. My shade of blue eyes in particular, is seen as a sign of having the blood of commoners flowing through your veins. I inherited this eye color from grandfather which made mother resent me. Though she tried to hide her true feelings and not just in public too. Mother got lavender eyes and had hoped that marrying a pure noble like father would save her children from the shame and disgrace that comes with having eyes the shade of blue that is associated with commoners. So giving all her efforts to escape her roots, I'm like an awful reminder of where she came from. I am currently sixteen years old. While my other siblings went to the royal academy, I was home schooled. It's almost as if she wants to hide me until I come of age then ship me of to some noble house as the second wife or lover and completely cut off all ties with me. Well unfortunately for her, I don't plan on being sold off like a cheap piece of clothing. I'll be the most adored and coveted woman in this empire.

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