Chapter 04

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The next day, Tsurugi, Haku, Rin and Itachi went on a job accompany by Erza and Mira who was told by Makarov to show them the ropes since they are new for the job and need guidance. Currently they were guarded the train that has dozen of golds from the client.

Tsurugi and his wives standing, looking outside the window. While the other three of them was sitting on the barrels. Tsurugi had his Rinne-Sharingan activated, keep guard up in case the bandits show up. Itachi notices the looks Erza and Mira giving Tsurugi, he knew instantly that they are fall in love with his brother in law.

Itachi: 'Hmm... Tsurugi-nii sure is a chick magnet. Even in other world, he managed to swoon over two woman. I wonder if he knows about it yet.'

That what's in his thoughts.

Erza: "So... Tsurugi-san... what type of magic you use?"

The red headed warrior asked.

Tsurugi: "None. The same can be said about my wives and brother in law as well the others at the guilds. We use different type of power. That's all I can say for now. You all will know when I'm ready to talk about it."

He answered truthfully without looking at her.

Erza: "That was insensitive of me, my deepest apologies. I'll wait when that day comes."

She replied with a sad smiles.

Mira: "So if I may ask... why do you have 7 wives and top of it all, you have 3 fiancee. Sorry for sticking my nose where it doesn't belong but I'm simply curious."

She said truthfully.

Tsurugi: "Just say that I love them all and rebuild my clan with them."

He answer simply and truthfully. Mira nodded in satisfaction as she gets the answer she needed.

Erza: "Clan? What clan you are from if I may ask?"

She asked in curiosity.

Tsurugi: "The Uchiha Senju Clan. Unlike my brother in law here, I'm half Uchiha, quarter Senju and Uzumaki. My first wives, Haku is the sole survivor of the Yuki Clan. If included myself, there's 3 full blooded Uchiha and 2 half blood. The rest of my wives are from civilization clans."

He answered. As Mira wanted to ask another question, they were ambushed by 3 groups of bandits. Itachi activated his EMS and scans the surrounding as it was covered in smoke due to the explosion.

Itachi: "Tsurugi-nii! I estimated around 70 bandits and they have us surrounded. What's your order?"

He looks at his brother in law as he unsheathed his katana.

Tsurugi: "We can't kill these fools so knock them out. Five of you took 10 each, the rest is mine to take. I need to release some steam of what that ice pervert said. Now scatter."

He unsheated his katana and dashes towards the bandits whose does the same. He blitz around and knocking 5 of them in one strike. As for Itachi and the others, they dealt with the bandits swiftly and efficiently. By the time, they have done, Tsurugi was tied up the bandits he just took down.

Tsurugi: "Let's just go after the train. I could care less about these idiots. I will carry both Erza and Mira since they can't outrun us on bare foot."

He pick up both Mira and Erza, putting them on each of his shoulders. Both of them squeaked as neither expected this, they wanted to get down but his grips was too strong and won't budge so they relented to be carry by him. Tsurugi then run off and followed by Haku, Rin and Itachi.

Haku: "Are we just gonna leave them there to rot? They couldn't go away since they all tied up."

She looks at her husband, questioning his decision of letting those bandits die.

Tsurugi: "I show no mercy for criminals. Although I'm sure either Erza or Mira will inform Magic Council about those fools. They are no longer our business, it was the Magic Council."

He answered plainly.

Rin: "I see. Those bandits will locked up in jail. Well not a bad ending, they just have to suffer until the Magic Council army arrive to take them away."

She said with a giggle.

Mira: "You surely don't have sympathy for bad guys aren't you?"

She asked sadly.

Tsurugi: "Not one bit. They only care about themselves and targeting innocent people for money and power. So I don't have any reason to show sympathy in the first place. They can rot in hell for all I care. Let me ask you a question if you don't mind."

He looks at Mira after deactivated his Dojutsu. Mira meekly nodded her head in response.

Tsurugi: "Would you show sympathy if they gang up and killed your siblings by beating the middle to death while the youngest were raped by them, one by one until she's dead?"

He asked. Mira want to shout at him for asking such insensitive question but couldn't as he elaborated further.

Tsurugi: "Think of the families that become their victims. Not only they robbed everything they had, they even raped and killed for their own lust desire and amusement. In my eyes, bad people deserve nothing but death... in the most horrific ways possible. I for one, would gladly erase them from existence in order to protect the innocents."

Mira shocked by his words and couldn't say anything to retaliate as he made a valid point. Erza was interested in his words of justice.

Erza: 'You interest me more, Tsurugi-san.'

A little while, Tsurugi and the other 3 caught up to the train and jumps inside. Tsurugi put both Mira and Erza down.

Mira: 'I know he isn't wrong but taking lives... I'm not sure I can do it... but I know I have to if it means protecting Elfman and Lisanna. Tsurugi-kun doesn't like killing but had to do it nonetheless if it means protecting his love ones from harm.'

She looks at him.

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