chapter ʚɞ seven

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Spencer leaned against the table, a thick file open before him, studying the details with a laser focus that had become second nature. Around him, his colleagues engaged in a lively debate, their voices overlapping as they exchanged theories and insights.

"Okay, so we know the last victim was taken from a crowded public event," JJ said, her tone animated. "That tells us he thrives on the chaos, feeding off the fear."

"He's controlling the narrative," Morgan added, nodding thoughtfully. "Every move he makes is calculated to provoke a reaction."

Spencer chimed in, his voice steady as he spoke. "And the escalating violence suggests a personal vendetta. He's not just trying to instill fear; there's a deeper motivation at play."

"Exactly," Hotch affirmed, his tone authoritative. "But we need to figure out what that deeper motivation is. Any ideas?"

As the discussion continued, Spencer found himself trying to latch onto the thread of their conversation, but it slipped through his fingers. He felt increasingly detached, his mind wrestling with an undercurrent of anxiety that he couldn't shake. The sound of their voices, once comforting, now echoed in his ears like an interrogation, each question a reminder of how lost he felt.

"Reid?" Morgan's voice cut through the haze, pulling him back into the room. "What do you think? You seem a bit out of it today."

"Yeah, sorry," Spencer replied, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Just... thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Emily asked, her brow furrowed in concern as she leaned forward.

"I was just considering the timeline of the victims. If he's escalating, then there must be some trigger—"

"Right," Hotch interjected, redirecting their focus. "But we also need to establish a connection between the victims. Have you got any thoughts on that?"

Spencer nodded, eager to contribute but unsure how to articulate his thoughts clearly. "Maybe it's something in the community, like a—like a local event he attended that... um, that left an impression on him?" He trailed off, realizing the statement didn't make much sense. The words hung in the air, awkward and unformed.

"Spencer," Hotch said gently yet firmly, his expression scrutinizing. "Are you saying the unsub might have attended a specific event that shaped his perspective? We should clarify what those events are rather than assume."

Heat flooded Spencer's cheeks, embarrassment tightening in his chest. He tapped his leg rhythmically, a habit he had developed to cope with his anxiety. "Yes, that's what I meant," he replied, but even he could hear the hesitance in his voice. The team exchanged glances, a flicker of concern passing through their ranks. The heat of their attention felt like a spotlight, and he squirmed under it, feeling exposed.

"Let's focus on the details of each event," JJ suggested, trying to redirect the conversation. "If we can identify what triggers him, we can anticipate his next move."

"Sure," Spencer said, his voice almost a whisper, barely able to concentrate. He tried to latch onto the conversation again, but as the team delved into specifics, he felt the pressure mounting within him. He tapped his leg harder now, his heartbeat quickening. Thoughts swirled chaotically in his mind, images of the victims flashing like a movie reel, but he struggled to connect them to the present discussion.

As Morgan outlined a possible timeline, Spencer's focus began to wane again. "We could also consider how the unsub's background might influence his choice of victims—" he started, but the words spilled out haphazardly. He could see the confusion on their faces, and it made his stomach twist.

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