Chapter. 3

14 1 49


I think I forgot to add warnings for ships, but whatever. There's only like 2 maybe 3 ships.
(Ruin/Solar, Lunar/Gemini((definitely, but idk much sbt the star signs so might not appear much)), Earth/Monty.)


Solar followed Ruin to the art table like a lost puppy, intending to watch Ruin draw, as you can probably guess since it is the art table.

Moon chuckled at that and turned his attention towards the twins, who were arguing over a toy (plush) knife.


Didn't he confiscate that weeks ago?

KC was watching them, amused, and he turned to face Moon and winked, oh the little bastard...

Moon shook his head, why does the one child who was under his care 24/7 turn out to be an absolute bitch?

Flare was...sleeping. Moon shrugged, seemed like them to be honest, he rarely ever saw Flare do anything but eat, sleep, chores, repeat. He obviously washes as well.

The little deer girl and Jack? Yeah. They were making a pillow fort and playing...what did Jack call it? Kings and Queens? Meh, who knows.

Moon sat down, he would sit and watch as the other kids all played with train sets, dolls, drew. The regular. His eyes drifted towards Solar and Ruin occasionally.

What was going on with those two? Moon could barely get a words out of Ruin, neither could Sun, but Solar can get whole essays out of him. Moon can understand to an extent that Ruin must feel safe with Solar, but why only him? Evelyn had tried to speak with Ruin for a week straight, yet there was no response from him at all. Evelyn still tries to speak to Ruin, but has given up on hanging around him.

Solar looks over at Moon and raises a brow, Moon shrugs in response and looks at his phone. Monty hasn't called yet, he yawns, setting his phone aside, hopefully he'd call soon...


Solar looked up at Moon, who shrugged. He raised a brow at the response and shook his head looking back at Ruin.

"You alright?" He asked, he wanted to make sure Ruin was still here and not in his daydreams, he wanted to speak to him after all, his accent was surprisingly soothing.

"...I'm fine. You?" Ruin responds, the brown crayon dragged across the paper.

Solar smiled and leaned back, "Yeah I'm alright. Bored, but yeah."

"Okay." Ruin just drew.

Solar watched him, maybe he was content with the silence, but he really liked to hear Ruin's accent whenever he spoke. If only he spoke more, it'd be like music to his ears.

"What're you drawing?"

"A centipede."


"I just think their fascinating, how do they manage with that many legs? Surely it must be hard keeping a steady pace. Do you think they trip over themselves sometimes? I really want a pet centipede, I'd look after it really well." Ruin spoke, looking up at Solar as his eyes sparkled.

Solar's eyes widen, this was...the most he had heard Ruin say. He smiled as he heard Ruin's voice, it was laced with happiness and his British accent much thicker than usual.

"-maybe they could even be-"

"Your voice is really nice."

Ruin went silent as Solar cut him off. He looked straight at Solar, seeing his sweet smile.

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