Chapter. 5

10 1 31

A/N - mwah mwah 😘

Idk im rlly cold rn

* = end of chapter notes/explanation.


This was, admittedly, Solar's fault.

He really liked hearing Ruin speak, but GOD was he tired...

Too tired to admire the way Ruin's words blended together to form half hearted sentences.


"-AND! Then the cen'ipider* chased Mr Sun around the game!!"


"I'* was really funny because THEN Mr Moon star'ed, uh, singing I think!!"





"I love your voice, but please let me sleep."


"Don't apologize Ruin. I'm just really tired, you must be too after speaking for so long."

"..I..I am kinda.."

"So come here." Solar opened his arms, offering to hug Ruin to sleep.

Ruin flustered at this minor action, going a bit red and turning away.

Not even two minutes later the two were cuddling, on the blanket because they're weirdos.



"...You will continue talking tomorrow...right?"

"...if you wan'* me to...then yes."

"I do. I really do."

"...Then I'll continue. For you."

"...thank you."

"It's alrigh'* Solar."


"So." Moon started, munching on a bag of cereal, Sun glares at him.

"Uhm, right. On the drive home, me and Lunar got stuck in traffic.."

"We did!"

"And, I gave him my phone to message one of you-"

"Big fucking mistake, he spammed me with Weetabix on beans." Moon huffed, shoving more cereal in his mouth.

"-and I looked out the window."

"And saw two kids?" Sun finished with a question.

"Yes. They seemed really, um..ragged? if that's the right word..."

" want Moon to go look for them?"

"Well, yes. Considering the fact that me and you are always busy watching over the kids and Lunar  is a kid."

"Hmmm, can Monty tag along?"

"As long as he doesn't do anything."


"What- what did they look like? Like, hair and stuff-" Sun asked, snatching the box out of Moon's hand.

"Hey!!" Moon reached for the cereal box.

"Uhm...well, I think one had this...half and half type of hair? Black..and white? But the white was really messy.."


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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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