Chapter. 4

15 1 66

A/N - I like to start chapters right after I finish the previous ones and get comments, but i normally never finish them for a good 2 weeks.

Dont question my updating speed.



The morning park trip has successfully been completed, all Sun wants to do is rot in his bed. But, NOPE because he has to look after the kids while Moon fucks around with whatever he and Monty are working on.

Sun sighs, agitated, as he watches the kids play, none of them are getting hurt on his watch.

He's only looking after them until Earth and Lunar get home, it can be their turn then as Sun cooks for them.

He looks around, his gaze paused on Dazzle and Jack who are...fighting Redd and Bloody...

Okay, Sun can't do this anymore, what is that psycho child's name? It can't seriously be Bloody, right? It is just a nickname, RIGHT?!

Ahem, anyways, Sun watches the fight, intrigued on how it progresses, very happy to see that they aren't being too violent, he looks at Huwei, Jackie and Evelyn, those three are playing with a skipping rope as the other three of their little group cheer the skipper on.

Sun then looks over at Ruin and Solar at the art table, Ruin is...talking Solar's ear off as Solar watches, seemingly lost in Ruin's voice.

Sun gags internally at this, romance fucking sucks.
He turns away quickly, it's their life, he won't stop it from happening, he just hopes it doesn't happen infront of him often.

He looks at his phone, god how long are they going to take? He looks to his side, Flare's napping as per usual, and just watches Flare for a moment.

Oh how he wishes he could just sleep for an entire week like this dumbass.

He goes back to his phone and shoots Earth a quick text, asking how long they're going to be.

Sun set his phone down after placing the settings on vibrate, his phone doesn't have sound for notifications apparently, even when it's on sound.

He leans back and closes his eyes, he isn't going to sleep, just simply...resting his eyes for a little bit.


Flare looked up at Sun, who slowly dozed off, god. How does the literal embodiment of energy manage to sleep half the day away? Tsk, if only Flare was allowed to do that...

He sat up, and stretched, deciding to watch over the kids for however long Sun slept.

He didn't expect everyone to quiet down within 14 minutes of Sun sleeping and staying quiet, but not silent, until he awoke, Flare actually found that quite adorable.

But the certain sound of British yapping caught his attention, Ruin hadn't stopped talking since his entire romance scene with Solar.

Flare was happy for the kid to feel comfortable around Solar, but heavens above, could he stop and take a 5 minute breather.

Flare sighed and went back to watching the MLP war going on between the 'Sqad of sillies' as they refer to themselves.

It was adorable and stupid at the same time.

The settee dipped beside him and he was pulled into a hug by...


Flare was srunned for a moment as KC gently pat his head.

"Are you still tired, child?" He asked, he loves his children (not by blood, by deciding that Flare and the twins were his kids now).

"No, I've slept for a good two and a half hours now, d- KC." Flare rolled his eyes as KC chuckled.

"Just checking, child."

Flare rolled his eyes, again and busied himself watching the MLP war that he was weirdly invested in. Whatever was going on between Solar and Ruin was the least of his problems now.


"Are we home yettt?"




"How far???"

"Not far, Lunar. How about you message Sun or Moon for me?" Earth handed her phone over, Lunar sighed and acvepted the heavy responsibility of annoying his brothers.

Clicking on Moon's contact, Lunar decided to spam him with pictures of Weetabix on beans until he answered.

Earth happily drove, the shopping was quite successful! She had even managed to grab a few snacks for movie night!! Which is happening in a few days!!

She was so excited for it!! Even more excited for Halloween!! The kids were really looking forward to decorating and throwing a party!

Earth's mood increased just thinking about how happy they'll all be when the decorations are pulled out!!

Her and Lunar were about, 10 minutes away from the house, without traffic, but the traffic today is really bad.

She looked out the window as she waited for the cars infront of her to move.


A kid was standing in the entry to an alleyway, holding a worn down cat plushie close to their chest, where were their parents? Earth wondered, watching as they looked around.

A second kid ran out and grabbed the first kids arm, pulling them into a hug and gently leading them back down the alley.

Earth made a mental note of the street name as she passed it, she'd bring this up to Sun and Moon so they can go check it out on a less busier day. Hopefully tomorrow.


Sun woke up 16 minutes after Earth and Lunar got home, he denied the accusations of falling asleep and instead begge- ahem, asked to do the cooking.

Earth reluctantly agreed, was Sun looking that bad that she had to think about letting the best chef in the orphanage cook? No. The only thing visble about his sleepiness was his eyes, which he normally covers in makeup anyways.

He looked over the list of food Ruin likes and decided on a pizza, Ruin wrote that pizza was good on his list, and who doesn't like pizza?

Sun smiles and gets to work making the most delicious pizza anyone has ever seen.


Okay, maybe he messed up once.

But still, his second pizza was by far, the tastiest thing ever.

Or, he told himself that. It was nice, but not his best work.


A/N - alr alr, i just want this day to be over with, its been stretched out across 4 chapters and I hate it.

Huey - July 16 victim.
Evelyn - July 16 victim.
Huwei - July 16 victim.
Jackie - July 16 victim.
Jamie - July 16 victim.
James - July 16 victim.

The six of them are confirmed to be victims of July 16th, but in this boom, they're just normal kids with some trauma waiting to be collected by an adult who will treat them nicely.

Will i tell u who the two kids in the alley were?


You all can guess :p

Love u all <333

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