chapter: The Power Couple

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The morning light filtered through the curtains as Li Yin stirred awake, her eyes slowly opening to the sight of Lu Zhen beside her. It had become a routine now, waking up next to him. The once awkward mornings had evolved into something warm, comfortable—almost normal. She turned to see him already dressed, his sharp features framed by the early sunlight, as he buttoned his cuffs.

"Morning," he greeted, his voice smooth, as his eyes flickered toward her.

"Morning," she replied softly, pushing the covers off and rising from the bed.

They both moved through their routine in near silence, yet it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was the kind of quiet that spoke volumes—an unspoken understanding between them. Li Yin quickly got ready for the day, her thoughts racing but outwardly calm, as they prepared for another day at the office.

Once they were both dressed, looking polished and professional, they headed downstairs where the car waited. It was all part of their new reality—a reality that had shifted after that unforgettable night at the company dinner. As they stepped into the sleek black car, their driver pulled out of the driveway and onto the road toward the office.

Li Yin couldn’t help but notice how much attention they drew now. She had gotten used to being in the spotlight at work, but ever since her relationship with Lu Zhen had become more apparent, it seemed like everyone was watching them. Some gazes were filled with admiration, others with curiosity, but there was no denying the power they held as a couple.

"Do you ever get used to this?" she asked, glancing at Lu Zhen.

He smiled, a knowing glint in his eyes. "You will," he said, his voice confident. "It's part of the job now."

She nodded, though it still felt strange at times to have so many eyes on her, watching their every move. But there was something undeniably empowering about it too—being at his side, sharing in this new dynamic. They weren’t just colleagues anymore. They were something more.

The car pulled up in front of the towering glass building that housed their company. As they stepped out, the usual swarm of employees greeted them, offering polite smiles and respectful nods.

"Good morning, President Lu. Good morning, Vice President Li," the receptionists chimed in, their voices laced with professionalism.

Li Yin offered a polite nod in return, feeling the weight of her new title settle on her shoulders. She was still adjusting to being Vice President—a position that had taken years of hard work to earn. But now, with Lu Zhen at her side, it felt like the stakes were higher. Expectations were different, not just from her colleagues but from herself.

They walked side by side through the sleek lobby, their presence commanding the attention of everyone around. It was as if the air shifted when they entered the room—people straightened up, whispered in hushed tones, and exchanged knowing glances.

As they stepped into the elevator, Li Yin could feel the tension of the day already creeping in. Meetings, decisions, strategies—it was going to be a busy one, as always. But before she could immerse herself in work mode, Lu Zhen broke the silence.

"You're doing great, you know," he said, his eyes locking with hers.

She glanced at him, a small smile playing on her lips. "Am I?"

"Yes," he said firmly. "You're handling everything beautifully. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

His words gave her a sense of calm, the kind that only came from him. No matter how overwhelming things seemed, he had a way of grounding her, of making her feel like she belonged exactly where she was—right beside him.

The elevator doors opened, and they stepped into the executive floor, where their offices were located. As usual, there were eyes on them, employees watching their every move, curious and fascinated by the dynamic between the two of them.

"Power couple," she heard someone whisper from behind.

Li Yin couldn’t help but chuckle under her breath as they made their way down the hall. Power couple—that's what people called them now. It was strange to hear, but at the same time, it felt right. Together, they had become a force to be reckoned with.

Lu Zhen walked her to her office door before stopping. "Lunch later?" he asked casually, his voice low so only she could hear.

She raised an eyebrow, teasing him lightly. "Don't you think we see enough of each other?"

He smirked. "Not even close."

She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips. "Fine. Lunch it is."

With that, she entered her office, her mind already shifting to the work that awaited her. But even as she sat at her desk, preparing for the day’s meetings, her thoughts lingered on Lu Zhen, on the life they were building together—both professionally and personally.

Being by his side in the company was one thing. Being by his side in life? That was something else entirely. And as much as she tried to focus on her responsibilities, she couldn’t shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of something much bigger.

A power couple, indeed.

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