Chapter 10

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(HEY! I'm back with a new chapter. I can't believe I have over 100 views. Thank you all so much for reading. Enjoy)
Did I hear him correctly? Did Levi just say that he loved me? I couldn't believe it. I felt myself blush more as I was lying on Levi's chest. I clutched onto his shirt.
"You do?" I asked shocked, still quite surprised.
"Yes." I felt myself turn even more read as he kissed my head.
"Levi?" I said, still lying on him as he sat up.
"What?" I looked up at him to see his lips which were a pale red and looked so soft. I wanted to taste them. I wanted to feel them against my lips. I wanted his tongue to explore every inch of my mouth. I wanted him to kiss me like I was his and nobody else's, but I had to ask.
"I-I-I want to...*sigh* I want to ki..." I hid my face in his shirt embarrassed until I felt him pull my face up and look into my eyes. Then he pulled my face towards him, kissing me passionately. He's kissing me. He's actually kissing me. Am I dreaming? I swear to the love of god (or freckled Jesus, your choice) if I'm dreaming... I started to kiss him back, never wanting to pull away. He brushed his tongue against my lips, asking me for an entrance. I hesitantly opened my mouth letting his tongue shoot in and our tongues fought for dominance. Of course he won and I don't know why but I wasn't surprised. My wish was granted as he explored every inch of my mouth. I broke the kiss, needing air leaving a small trail of saliva connected to each of our lips. Suddenly he pinned me to the floor, looking down on me and started kissing me again. I melted into the kiss, kissing him back passionately. He moved from my lips and started kissing down on my neck. I moaned but i could see what this was leading to. "L-Levi? A-aren't we moving a bit too fast?" He stopped kissing my neck and looked up at me, lying on my chest.
"I've thought of this moment ever since we first met. Of course we were in a much cleaner place than this but when you told me you loved me I couldn't hold back." He said in a flat tone. "Eren, I want you."
"Levi." I said seeing him blush a little as he started kissing my neck again. "Levi..." I closed my eyes, wanting this to happen when

I woke up.

I woke up. I fucking woke up. Why? Why can't for once not everything be a dream?! I groaned out in frustration then felt a sharp pain in my waste.
"Ow. What th- Ow!" I said as I felt it again. I looked over beside me to see that I wasn't lying in my bed. But that wasn't it. Levi was beside me. He muttered "Take a hint brat. I kick you once, it means shut the fuck up." I backed away in shock until I fell off the bed. I was about to curse but was afraid that he'd kill me. That reminds me. Mikasa. She's probably worried sick about me. I stood up to get my bag but remembered that I wasn't in my own room. First of all, this room was clean. Extremely clean. Wait. What am I thinking? What the hell am I doing in what I think is Levi's room? And how long have I been here? I scanned the bedroom, looking for my bag until I realised I was suspended and I left my house without it. My phone must be in my pocket. I reached into my trouser pocket, my fingers stretching to grab my phone. I pulled it out. Thanks god I'm wearing the same clothes. If I woke up in different clothes that would've meant Levi had changed me. Although, would that be such a bad thing? Hmm- no. Concentrate Eren. I turned on my phone to see many missed calls and texts.

Eren? Where are you?

Missed call from Mikasa
Wednesday 21st September 18:06

Missed call from Mikasa
Wednesday 21st September 18:09

Missed call from Mikasa
Wednesday 21st September 18:15

There were a few like that. But the strange thing was this:

Missed call from Mikasa
Thursday 22nd September 08:45

Eren. Where the fuck are you?! I'm getting scared.

Missed call from Mikasa
Thursday 22nd September 21:28

We meet yet again (Eren x Levi) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now