Chapter 18

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(AN: hey guys. Sorry I took longer then usual to update. I'm going through a bit of a writers block. Just to warn you this chapter isn't as good as some of the others I have written. I'm sorry. I'm staring to run out of ideas but I'll come up with something and make sure that I will finish this fan fiction. Ok. I'll stop talking now. Here's the next chapter☺️)

    We got home at around 6pm. As Mikasa was organising her shopping, I went upstairs and checked me phone. I had no new texts. Hm. Should I text him or not?
    "Hey Eren?!" Mikasa called from downstairs.
    "What do you want for dinner?"
    "I don't know. You choose." I called back.
    "Ok. It should be ready in about an hour."
    "Ok." I lay in my bed and put on my headphones, listening to music, mouthing the words to the song. I stared at the ceiling, letting my thoughts take over again. Tomorrow. What should I do tomorrow? Mikasa won't be here. Should I invite Levi over? Will he want to come? I sighed and zoned out for a while until the song I was listening to was interrupted by a notification. I looked at my phone to see that it was a text from Levi.

Oi brat. Are you free tomorrow?

Feeling my heart leap with joy, I texted him back.

I should be. Why? Do you have something planned?


Then why?

Levi:Because I want to see you. Is that not allowed?

No no. It is. I want to see you too.

Levi:Good. I'll see you tomorrow.

See you then, then.

Levi:how was your day with your sister?

Good actually. It was fun. You? Do anything good?

Levi:no. I was just bothered by shitty glasses and eyebrows all day.

Who are Shitty glasses and eyebrows?

Levi:you don't need to know.

Can I meet them?


Pleeeeease Levi?

Levi:not in a million years.

Is it Hanji and Erwin?

Levi: .......

It is isn't it? Ok. I have to see them.

Levi:I never said it was them.

Yeah but I know it's them.

Levi:fine. But I'm not spending the whole day with them again. They wouldn't leave me alone today and I see them enough as it is.

Ok. Fair enough.

Levi: Hm.

Why wouldn't they leave you alone?

Levi:you think I know what's going on in there heads?

Haha. No. I remember Hanji being completely crazy.

Levi:well she isn't any different.

Oh god. I'm scared.

Levi:you should be.



I'll see you tomorrow then.

We meet yet again (Eren x Levi) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now