Chapter 2:Bonding together and Clash of Ideals

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Next day Team 9 meet in their Training Ground and Rock Lee also arrived to watch his Rivals and friends Go all out especially because both of them are in Same team and Rock Lee felt Slightly Honored because even tho he's just a Reserved Genin and Not part of team he was invited by Guy and Naruto...Ten Ten beside Rock Lee watching Both Naruto and Neji Slightly Nervous...Neji and Naruto in the The Opposite to each other looking at each other without any Emotions only slightly Stern Face expression on each other faces and in their respective stances that is Gentle fist and Goken waiting for their sensei's permission/order...Guy as the Proctor Stood at Centre Looking at Both of them...As Guy said Hagime/Start Neither of them Moved...As a leaf from a tree Fell down they Charged at each other and went Toe to toe for a while Neji got Upper hand and He slammed Naruto with 8 trigram 32 palms the Naruto poofed away...It was a Shadow clone as Neji expected/Anticipated...Naruto Took out a Storage Scroll and took out two Swords from them then summoned Two Shadow Clones and Charged at Neji but Neji held his own and destroyed Two Clones and he went for the Original and Struck/Striked him with Gentle fist but 3rd one also Poofed out Neji didn't get any surprised...Suddenly Naruto Came with a Large mace from back and Struck Neji but Neji who already anticipated this held his Guard and avoided most of the Damage...He said "My Byakugan can see 360 degrees and they can see everything...Fate has already Concluded that you're a Loser..." And Struck him with Gentle fist this time Naruto Took it and got paled but he said "Keep your Fate belief's to yourself...And I don't believe in it So I don't bow my head to it..." And he Removed his weights surprising Neji and Ten Ten who was in the Sidelines watching the match intensely along with a Loud Rock Lee who's encouraging Naruto...And Naruto said Gate of life Open,Gate of Healing open and he opened Two Gates and Rushed at Neji while Neji Got Ready and Naruto spammed Shadow Clones on him and they all Rushed at Neji and Neji Surprisingly And slightly struggled but held his own...They went all out Neji  poped/Destroyed every Shadow clone and he even beaten original who fell down unconscious...But when Neji Came near That Original is also poofed out Surprising him again and slightly earth shaken under him/Neji and suddenly a Naruto Came out of it and Upper Cut Neji so hard that He has no time to react,Resist and even get up after that punch...Neji was Conscious but Knocked out...Guy Told Naruto is Winner and he cheered on...Neji got his Chin Broken so he was sent to Hospital...But Naruto,Ten Ten,Guy,Rock Lee Even tho he's not part of team 9 as Guy sensei one of favorite he also Trained and completed their training...But before going on their ways Naruto called Ten ten out and asked if they can Go for Shopping because he doesn't know What to pick up as his Ninja outfit for missions...Ten ten First rejected and said I don't know about boys outfits that much...But Naruto interrupted and Said Actually Ten ten I actually have an Idea And you don't need to all the work I just need your Company as it is your responsibility as a year older,partial sensei,Training partner and mostly you look me as an younger brother right do this favor as an elder sister to me please...And Ten ten Looked at him and Said You Know what you're right If I can't help you out of all people Then whom will I? I'm joining you Naruto This Evening...Then they went on their own ways...
That Evening Naruto went to Shopping Joined by Ten ten on the way...They went to a shop there both were mesmerized to see all the stuff in the shop there Naruto and Ten ten went to pick up Clothes/Gear for him...On the way Ten ten got Curious and Asked Hey Naruto You never changed anything about yourself especially when it come to Your style why the change all of a Sudden?? Naruto looked at her with a Smile and said Oh Umm It's Nothing actually...But I have learned Ten ten.These Two months with You,Guy Sensei,Rock Lee and Neji too some an extent These have been the most precious movements of my life...Rock Lee was sent to reserves because of my sudden passing...But he didn't put any Grudge against me he taught me the power of hard work and became one of my true friend...And I actually changed because of Guy sensei he changed my diet and trained me hard which made my Growth spurt hit...and these Jump suit becoming shorter...and That day in Mission because of my Clone and my plan without consulting Guy sensei or Neji...Neji was almost Got himself into danger you know...So I have decided...To change...To become strongest Hokage...and Guy Sensei is also a reason...(Thinking back to a Flash back that as Follows)
Guy,Lee and Naruto trained hard that day Rocklee went on his way to do a D rank mission as a Reserved Genin only Guy and Naruto remained Naruto,Guy Enthusiastically gave one of the Green clad suit like himself and Rock Lee wears...Naruto looked at Guy and Suit and Said Uhm Guy Sensei I'm very Honored to have this Gift but I can't accept It...It's weird...I'm sorry but where in the world you got that Dressing sense...Guy shocked and in Anime tears because of Naruto's Remark as weird suit said Ahh my Youthful student It's not that weird...It's my Inspiration...It's my Father and First sensei,Eternal Genin style...My Father Might Dai is incapable of doing Ninijutsu because of that he remained a Genin and all used to make fun of him but he didn't move a bit and didn't take that to heart he trained hard and Mastered 8 Gates...One day when I and my Team was in trouble because of seven swordsmen of Mist My father opened gates Sacrificed himself and Saved us also took out 4 of them down...Naruto stars in his eyes and Said Wow Guy sensei it's Very inspiring...But this style it's weird...But I got your Idea sensei I may dress like my Inspiration...
Flash back end
Ten ten interrupted Naruto from his thoughts and Slightly terrified said Oh my Don't tell me you wanna dress like sensei and become another Mini him...I won't train with you If you ever do that.
Naruto looked at her slightly sweating said Uhm what?? No way...I'm not gonna wear that thing...I'm telling Guy sensei Told me that Anyone can Dress like their inspiration to get more motivation and inspiration...My Inspiration is 4th Hokage...
And he picked Black Anbu pants,White Full hand Fishnet Sweat Shirt and Finally A 4th Hokage/Minato style Coat except it is Black instead of white and back was an Uzumaki clan seal on the centre back and the Down border was Orange and Red flames design...this Again Raised Curiousity in Ten ten so she asked Naruto why he picked the Opposite Colors to what 4th Hokage wore...Naruto looked at her again smiled and Replied While I may Admire and get Inspired from Lord 4th I'm not like him...4th Hokage was a Genius as far as I heard about him and I'm not infact I'm the opposite end of that...I'm Striving to be like him...that's why...
Ten was very impressed by that reply She put her hand on his Hair/Head and said Naruto I'm so proud of you...and I will be a Proud That I'm an elder sister figure to a Kid like you...
With that they finished Shopping and they went and ate Dinner Sushi and Ramen together before leaving on their own ways to respective Shelter/Homes...Meanwhile in Hyuga's Compound A discharged Neji wasn't able to sleep he didn't completely recovered yet and he was Contemplating about his views,Fate etc...

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