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Chapter Three | Roommates

Ashlynn's sleep was, well, present. In fact, it was the first time in a long time that she'd managed to sleep all the way through the night without waking to some odd terror or another. Usually, it was some kind of bug that decided to scurry across her chest or into the entrance of her hideaway. Sometimes it was a cold drop of water or the sound of some human thing just outside of her hiding place.

This morning, if it could even be called that, left Ashlynn feeling rested and secure. She stretched under her blanket and, for once, didn't kick a pile of snow or feel like she needed to immediately survey her surroundings in case there was something dangerous nearby.

It almost felt weird having such a peaceful and normal morning. It reminded her of the times in her old home before she was forced to leave, but now wasn't the time to think about all of that.

Sadly, the alternative wasn't much more pleasant to think about.

Ashlynn had to learn more about the humans in the home she decided to inhabit and whether or not it would be a good idea to stay. The looming question of whether or not to continue was something that immediately spoiled the pleasant morning for the Borrower, but there was no time to dwell on it now.

She needed food and supplies, and there was only one way to do that – go borrowing.

The tools at her hips, rusted from years of use and abuse, needed immediate replacement. The food store in the ripped backpack was piddly at best, even with the newly added cookie fragments. Even her shoes were so worn that they were letting in the water and cold.

It was time.

She gathered up what few supplies she felt comfortable with carrying with her including her lamp with her last battery, borrowing pack, hook, thread, and toothpick spear, which was far from her desired pin that she'd gifted to her brother before....

It felt like so long ago now.

Don't think about those memories now. You've got a job to do. Just do it you wuss.

Maneuvering through the wires and poorly shot nails, Ashlynn found her way back to the same place where she'd been the day before, which was in the apartment of that one guy. If he were alone or gone most of the time, she would count herself among some of the most lucky Borrowers in the entire world.

If not... well... she didn't want to think about that.

She secured her hook and line and slid down the edge of the wall back toward the electrical cover she'd used the day before, but she was only halfway down when she heard something just beyond the drywall and insulation.

"Hey! Soren, could I have chocolate chips in mine?" The hair on the back of Ashlynn's neck raised immediately. Were the kids already up? There was an immediate churn in Ashlynn's insides as she touched down onto the interior platform on the wall and peeked out the tiny gap between the electrical cover and the world of the humans.

It was that kid!

She knew it in her gut, and now it was confirmed. The kid had a bit of a rounder face and these pale blue eyes. It made her squirm uncomfortably that she could make out the details on the kid's face, especially the couple little freckles that were on his neck. Barely an arm's length away, the kid bounced on his toes up and down as he looked up and to his left, an innocent and pleading look in his eyes.

"We're making all of them with chocolate chips, and blueberries, and strawberries," said a deeper, more masculine voice that obviously had to be the dad, Soren. Ashlynn wasn't sure if she should risk any further glance and if she should just cut her losses and leave only to wait for a few hours to make the trek again. Her Borrower nature, unfortunately, was usually overridden by her own curiosity.

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