chapter 2: call mia.

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Third person pov:

After a few days at Marjorie and Reece's house, Charlotte was still struggling to settle. The nightmares about Ethan hadn’t gone away, and though she knew she was safe, it didn’t always feel that way. Marjorie had been wonderful, always there with a calming word or a comforting gesture, but Charlotte felt like a burden. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she was imposing, no matter how many times Marjorie reassured her otherwise.

Marjorie noticed how restless Charlotte had become. One evening, as they sat in the living room, Reece joined them, concern written on his face. He and Marjorie exchanged a look before Marjorie turned to Charlotte.

“I’ve been thinking,” Marjorie started gently. “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you need, but I wonder if maybe it would help to be with someone who isn’t as close to all of this—someone who can support you, but who doesn’t make you feel like you’re a guest.”

Charlotte frowned, unsure of where this was going. “What do you mean?”

Marjorie gave her a soft smile. “I was thinking about Mia.”

Reece nodded in agreement. “Mia and I are still good friends. She’s great at giving people space but being there when they need it. And she’s been asking about you, wondering how you’re doing.”

Charlotte shifted uncomfortably. She had spoken with Mia a few times in the past, but they had never been close. Mia always seemed kind, but Charlotte wasn’t sure how she felt about staying with her. “I don’t know… I wouldn’t want to put her out.”

“You wouldn’t be,” Reece said quickly. “Mia’s the kind of person who wants to help, and I think she’d be really good for you. Plus, she lives in a quiet area. It might be nice for you to have a peaceful space to recover.”

Marjorie gently placed her hand on Charlotte’s. “Just think about it, okay? You don’t have to decide now, but Mia would be more than happy to help you. She cares about you, Charlotte.”

Charlotte nodded slowly. She wasn’t sure what to think, but the idea of being somewhere quiet and a little more removed was tempting. “Okay… maybe I’ll give it a try.”

Marjorie smiled, and Reece pulled out his phone to call Mia. Charlotte listened to the soft murmur of his voice as he explained the situation. He paused, then smiled as Mia gave her answer. “She said absolutely, no problem,” Reece told Charlotte. “She’ll come by tomorrow to pick you up.”

The next day, Mia arrived with a warm smile and open arms. As soon as she saw Charlotte, her face softened with concern. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she said, giving Charlotte a gentle hug. “I know it’s a lot to deal with, but you don’t have to do it alone.”

Charlotte couldn’t help but feel a little more at ease. Mia’s presence was calm, but there was something else—something unspoken. Mia was warm and attentive, but there was a subtle distance to her that Charlotte found both comforting and confusing.

On the drive to Mia’s house, Charlotte watched the scenery pass by, her thoughts wandering. Mia chatted lightly, asking about her favorite foods and what kind of music she liked, trying to keep things easy and distraction-free. Charlotte appreciated it, though she could sense something more beneath Mia’s questions. There was a quiet tension, almost as if Mia was holding something back, but Charlotte couldn’t quite place what it was.

When they arrived at Mia’s place, Charlotte was surprised by how cozy it was. The house was small but warm, with soft lighting and a peaceful energy. Mia showed her to the guest room, making sure everything was comfortable, and Charlotte could feel a weight lifting off her shoulders. She didn’t feel like a burden here.

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