Chapter thirteen, Yelling and Laughing

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The sound of muffled yelling wakes me from my slumber.

I yawn and stretch, taking slow, long steps towards my bedroom door.

The voices becomes clearer as I creak open my door.

The crack in the door reveals two figures I know...

"You can't just swoop in and take her from me!" I hear Nick's voice boom, echoing through out the house.

"It's not my fault I know how to treat a women!" Conner yells back.

Then the thought finally crossed my mind, why and who the hell are they talking about?

Like, I'm trying to sleep! Didn't I have a whole conversation with Nick about how much I love my sleep?

"Yeah, well I actually care about her!"

Then it hit me, they're talking about me...

Why though?


"Yes Honey? Is everything alright?" My mother's sweet and caring tone comes through the phone speaker.

"What if I told you my neighbor and roommate are fighting over me?" I asked cautiously.

My mom chuckled

My frickin' Mom chuckled!
Does she not understand the importance of this situation?!

"Hon, they just care about you. And want what's best for you, don't make things complicated. Okay?"

"You're right Mom, I shouldn't assume things and over complicated something for no reason. Thank you, I love you."

"I love you too."


"Hey Alice, I've missed you, what's up?"

"I need a distraction, please."

"Like what?" I cought the hint of suggestiveness in his voice.


"What?" The innocent smile could be heard through his voice.

"Just swing by, please?"

"Of course, your chariot awaits, my queen!"


I'm outside, when you're ready 😜
Sent 12:04

Be there in a second 🤪
Sent 12:05

I happily walk out of my room and practically skip to the door.

I turn to see both Nick and Conner frozen, wide-eyed, and staring. The look of shock and confusion on both their faces.

"Going somewhere?" Conner asked.

"And can we come?" Nick added, for once they agree on something!


Ding dong.

"Oh thank God." I mutter under my breath, opening the door to see Andrew standing there, flowers in hand.

Dressed in jeans and a hoodie, he looks so damn cute.

"Hey Alice." He says, a soft smile and kind eyes.


"These are for you!" Andrew hands me the flowers, looking handpicked.

"They're my favorite, how'd you know?"

"Great minds think alike!
I also may have asked Jaz..."

I faintly remember Jazmine randomly bringing up the topic of my favorite flower...huh...

"They're perfect!"

The perfect moment to kiss would've been now, but the sound of a throat being cleared interrupted us.

We both direct our attention to am awkwardly standing Nick and Conner.

"Right, sorry, I'll be back later!" I call out, before taking Andrew's hand and walking down the apartment hall towards the elevator.

"Ready for the best date ever?" Andrew asks, eyebrow raised, smirk to go with his confidence.


I burst out laughing for like the sixth time as we sit at our booth in the restaurant.

Before hand we went to an arcade and played every single game.
I won a giant panda for him, and he won a giant octopus for me.

So of course we got a table for four, having the human-sized stuffed animals in their own chairs.

We went to a Mexican restaurant, apparently this is both our favorite restaurant.

We talked and laughed, I laughed so hard I had to excuse myself to go to the washroom.

As the waiter comes around with the bill Andrew pays it.

We both walk back towards the car but Andrew turns right instead of left, confusing me.

"Andrew, the truck is that way." I say, confused.

"I know," Andrew says with a smirk, holding his hand out for me to take.
"I want to show you one last thing before we call it a you trust me?"

I take his hand and nod, a smile on my face. As I take his hand his smirk softens to a gentle smile.

We walk left, right, straight, and even backwards...he is just trying to confuse me.

Eventually the sound of cars dies down, just leaving the hum of it. The sound of laughter and chatter getting louder. The strong aroma of food filling my nose. Although I couldn't quite tell what the food was, it made my stomach growl.

Andrew chuckles before his mouth is to my ear, "ready?"

"Yes!" I say, dying of anticipation.

Light floods my vision, colourful light.
Music still loud, but now I can identify the source.

The street is packed with people and a small market. Different activities and multiple places to get food, as well as little stores to by handmade things. Lights and music everywhere, everyone smiling and having an awesome time.

The sight before me makes me smile, as I turn to Andrew, "this is so awesome!"

Andrew chuckles again and says, "I want you to try a few things."

We weaved through the crowd and stop at a booth.

"Behold! Mexican street corn and street meat!" He payed for two cobs, laughing and talking with me as we walk.

At one point I got him to do the fashion show, which consisted of a bunch of six year old girls and him. Strutting on the runway in a pink and fluffy dress, making me laugh uncontrollably. We also bought cute little made carved bracelets.

By the time we were headed back towards the car it was 11:49.

"Oh my fucking God! Look at that!" I point excitedly at the brightly coloured fairies wheel.

"You don't even have to ask twice! I fuckin' love feris wheels!" As excited as we were, we got a scolding look from a mother who had a small child in her arms, because we swore. As soon as she lady turned the corner we burst out laughing heading towards the feris wheel.


"Hahaha, no way!" I exclaimed on the way home. It currently 1:26 am.

"Yes way, then the look he gave me was priceless!" Andrew laughs while driving.

Our laughter is cut short by honking and lights...the lights headed straight towards us.

"Andrew! Watch out!" I yell as the panic raises in me.

"I'm trying!" He screams.

Then everything goes black.

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