Scene 4: Secrets Beneath the Surface

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Amanda wandered aimlessly through her apartment, her mind swirling with thoughts too heavy to carry. Mrs. Brown sat quietly, observing her with concerned eyes. Finally, Amanda stopped, turning back toward the couch. She dropped into it, her hands restless, nervously rubbing her forehead. Mrs. Brown's gaze never wavered, watching every small movement, sensing the storm building inside Amanda.

Amanda broke the silence with a calm yet detached question, "Do you want something to drink?" She stood abruptly, moving toward the fridge as though searching for something to keep her hands occupied. The cold air hit her face as she opened the door, and she stared inside without really seeing the contents. Her chest tightened as emotions she had been holding back started to bubble up. Her grip on the fridge handle tightened, and a tear escaped. She fought to hold it together, but the weight of everything was becoming too much.

Mrs. Brown, sensing the emotional crack, approached quietly. She slipped her arms around Amanda from behind, pulling her into a soft, comforting embrace. "Come, sit with me," Mrs. Brown murmured, guiding her gently back to the couch.

Amanda collapsed into her arms, and the floodgates opened. Tears streamed down her face as she let out her frustration, fear, and grief. Mrs. Brown, ever steady, held her close, her hand running gently through Amanda's hair. She murmured soothing words, though Amanda could hardly hear them over the sound of her own sobs.

Minutes passed. Slowly, Amanda's cries subsided, and she rested her head against Mrs. Brown's shoulder, finding solace in the rhythmic, calming motion of Mrs. Brown's hand patting her hair. As the silence settled, Mrs. Brown began to speak, her voice soft and contemplative, "You know, I've never cared about anyone like I care about you." She paused, lost in her own thoughts. "I always wanted to be a therapist, to help people like you. But my life didn't turn out that way. My parents split up when I was young, and my dad... well, he chose his women over his children. I didn't see much of him after the divorce. My mom was no better. She humiliated me by parading around with a younger man."

She chuckled softly, but it was a hollow sound. "But who am I to judge? I married Justin after he left his wife for me. What people don't realize is that Justin is innocent. His wife never loved him. He found out the kids he raised weren't even his. But to be honest, I don't love him either. He's too good for me, too kind."

Mrs. Brown's words hung in the air, heavy with regret. Amanda lifted her head slightly, her voice steady though quiet. "I know I'm young, but I've never felt like a kid. Not even when I was one. I've always known how lucky I was, growing up with everything I could ever want. My friends back then didn't get it. They didn't see how their parents sacrificed, sometimes doing horrible things just to give them that lifestyle. They just spent money like it would last forever."
Amanda exhaled deeply, her gaze distant as she continued, "In middle school, I asked my mom for weed to sell. She didn't hesitate; she just gave me what I needed to start dealing. I was a kid, but I was already living like an adult." She paused, her voice softening. "Then Uncle Joy got out of prison, and things just got worse. I don't know what to call how I feel about you. When my family moved next door, I used to watch you. I thought you were beautiful. At first, I thought Justin was your father, until I saw you two kissing in the driveway."

Amanda hesitated, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I was swimming that day, and I couldn't stop staring. You looked so beautiful." She smiled awkwardly, her voice dropping to a near whisper. "I started daydreaming about you."

Mrs. Brown's smile was warm, her eyes twinkling with understanding. She chuckled, and before long, both women were laughing, the tension between them melting
away. Mrs. Brown wiped a tear from her eye, the kind that comes from shared laughter. "So, you've seen me sunbathing naked, haven't you?" Amanda teased Mrs. Brown, her laughter soft but genuine.

Amanda blushed. Mrs. Brown's laughter faded into a softer tone. "Let's get you ready for bed. You need to rest before your meeting with Joy. What time is it?"
"12 a.m.," Amanda replied, her voice light now that the heavy words had been shared.

Mrs. Brown helped Amanda into the bathroom, drawing a warm bath. Amanda slipped into the water, and Mrs. Brown joined her, sitting on the edge of the tub, pulling Amanda back against her chest. Mrs. Brown's hands moved tenderly, massaging her shoulders, her lips brushing Amanda's forehead and neck in soft, reassuring kisses. Amanda's body slowly relaxed under her gentle care.

As the water began to cool, Amanda shivered. Mrs. Brown stepped out of the bath first, wrapping Amanda in a warm towel before leading her to bed. Without much conversation, they lay down together, Mrs. Brown spooning Amanda protectively from behind. They drifted to sleep, the tension of the day fading in each other's warmth.

The alarm pierced the silence at midnight. Amanda woke immediately, silencing it before it disturbed Mrs. Brown. She dressed quickly, her attire all black—fur pants, sleek heels, and a long, elegant fur coat. She grabbed her beloved briefcase, filled with an unknown secret, before heading out.
Amanda slid into her Porsche and drove toward the nightclub, her mind sharp with anticipation. The entrance was dark, the shadows enveloping her as she made her way inside. As soon as she stepped into the club, the lights suddenly illuminated her figure, capturing everyone's attention. Johnson greeted her, taking her briefcase, and led her to the underground room where Joy and the others waited.

The atmosphere was tense, thick with an unspoken threat. Amanda felt it in her bones but walked in with confidence nonetheless. Joy smiled, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her. "My favorite person in the world," he said warmly.

Amanda smiled back. "Uncle," she replied, her voice steady.
Jacqueline and Violet stood nearby, their expressions unreadable. Amanda's voice broke through the quiet tension, "Why are we here, Uncle?"

Joy's expression darkened. "We need to find the man who tried to kill me. He was masked, and we still don't know who he is." Joy turned to Johnson. "Get him cleaned up and dressed," he ordered, referring to Eric.

Suddenly, gunfire echoed from somewhere outside or maybe within the club itself. Everyone froze. Joy motioned for the girls to follow him upstairs. Peeking into the club, he saw a man lying on the floor, bleeding, but Johnson and Eric were nowhere to be seen.

In a moment of reckless bravery, Jacqueline rushed into the club, only to be shot. Johnson appeared soon after, exchanging fire with the hidden assailant. One masked man fled while another lay dead on the floor beside Jacqueline. Johnson was the first to rush to her aid, quickly carrying her out. Violet drove them to the hospital, taking Amanda's car in the rush.

Amanda and Joy remained behind, staring down at the masked body. They removed the man's mask but couldn't recognize him. Amanda looked into Joy's eyes, her voice filled with foreboding, "Someone wants you dead, Dad."

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