Trail by darkness

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High in the frozen peaks, where only the condemned tread, lay the isolated fortress of the Exiled Vanguard. It was here that Lucifera's training began in a stone citadel where only the most expendable were sent. The Exiled Vanguard composed of noble men and women, many of whom  had committed crimes and were given the chance to redeem themselves through service, while others were there to restore their families' tarnished names. Despite their privileged backgrounds, the training ground was a place where rank meant nothing, and everyone was treated with the same harsh indifference.

The trainers were unforgiving, demanding perfection in every drill. The recruits were taught how to wield swords, fight with their bare hands, and survive in the most hostile environments. Mistakes were punished with grueling physical exercises or being left with little support . Lucifera, though an outsider by birth, with her black wings, it was an anomaly. The other trainees bullied and taunted her relentlessly, This was a place with no man have power this was a place where warriors are born to kill anyone and anything that came to threat the heavenly lands. They were sent far away front and center to be the first line in to battle.

From the moment she arrived, Lucifera became a target. Her black wings set her apart even here. She was an outcast, a walking reminder of something dark and different, and the other trainees wasted no time in singling her out. Whispers followed her everywhere, murmurs of "demon" and "freak." The other trainees taunted her relentlessly, pushing her into fights, sabotaging her during drills, and making every moment of her training a living hell. But Lucifera, hardened by years of bullying in the orphanage, bore it all in silence. She had learned long ago that retaliation only made things worse. One said "we're here to fight demons how come one on our side". The guard yell " everyone here is your brothers in arm no one else will come and save you when the time come to stand your ground"

Training was grueling. Each day began before dawn, with drills that tested not only their strength and stamina but their ability to endure pain. They ran miles through rugged terrain, climbed jagged cliffs, and practiced combat with dull swords and heavy shields. The instructors were ruthless, breaking the weak and pushing the strong to their breaking point. Lucifera's body ached from the strain, but she pushed through, her eyes always fixed ahead, determined to survive. Every one here had wings but weren't allowed to use them due to training make them stronger without the use of wings.

But it wasn't just physical endurance that was tested—it was her will. The leaders of the training program sought to strip away all traces of softness, molding the recruits into emotionless weapons. Kindness, empathy, and even hope were seen as weaknesses, and any sign of them was met with harsh punishment.

As dawn broke over the training grounds of the Crucible, a palpable tension filled the air. The sun cast long shadows across the dusty arena, where recruits gathered, their voices a cacophony of excitement and anxiety. Today marked the beginning of the tournament, a brutal series of sparring matches that would determine who among them would emerge as the leader of their cohort.

Noblemen and women , eyed one another with a mix of rivalry and desperation Each carried the weight of their family's name, desperate to redeem their honor through skill and valor. The arena was a stage set for judgment, where combat would strip away facades and reveal the true nature of each contender.

In the center of the arena, the trainers stood like sentinels, their faces impassive as they observed the eager recruits. They were seasoned warriors, their presence commanding respect, and their eyes glinted with a promise of brutality. It was a grim reminder that many would not survive this trial, much like the legendary

Lucifera stood on the outskirts, her heart racing as she clutched her practice sword, the cool metal a stark contrast to the fire burning in her chest. Despite the jeers and sidelong glances of her fellow wingless warriors , she was determined to prove herself. This was her chance to rise above the scorn that clung to her like a shadow.

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