seven, come out with me

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Amber slowly drove the car in front of the D.E.B.S. house, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and nerves. She brought the car to a stop, the engine humming softly as she turned it off. "You stay here," she instructed Chad, her tone firm as she opened the door and stepped out.

"Amber, I beg of you..." he tried once again, but she simply shut the door in his face, the sound echoing in the quiet night as she continued to walk toward the house.

She pulled out a sleek device that displayed the entire outline of the D.E.B.S. place, its glow illuminating her determined expression. Typing furiously, she input the coordinates she needed, grinning as the screen pinpointed Tara's bedroom. "All right, D.E.B.S. Show me what you're made of," she muttered to herself, a spark of mischief in her eyes.

As she approached the house, Amber's hand grazed the invisible barrier encircling the property. She took a deep breath, steadying herself, then pulled out a laser. Carefully, she drew an imperfect circle around the barrier, feeling the thrill of the challenge surge through her as she created a small opening to slip through. This was it—a real-life obby, and she was about to conquer it.

With the barrier behind her, Amber found herself using suction cup climbers to scale the wall of the mansion. The texture of the bricks felt rough beneath her fingers as she climbed higher and higher, adrenaline pumping in her veins. Finally, she made it to Tara's window and climbed inside quietly, taking a moment to catch her breath before moving stealthily toward the girl's sleeping form.

"Tara," she whispered, leaning down, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Tara stirred at the noise, her eyes flying open. She gasped, blinking in disbelief when she saw Amber Freeman standing above her in her room. "Oh my god!" Tara exclaimed, adrenaline kicking in as she shot up from her bed, instinctively grabbing Amber and flipping her over onto the floor.

Amber groaned as she landed with a thud. "Jesus," she grumbled, rubbing her side.

Tara stood over her, ready to attack again, but Amber quickly pushed her away, trying to create some space. "Okay, just hold on," she said, dodging another kick as Tara's foot whizzed past her.

With fists clenched and breath coming in sharp gasps, Tara demanded, "What are you doing here?"

Amber shrugged, a casual smile playing on her lips despite the situation. "I wanted to see you," she replied, her tone light but sincere.

"Why?" Tara breathed heavily, her eyes narrowing as she searched Amber's face for answers.

"Well, I was thinking about what you said about, um, your paper," Amber began, her tone casual as she shrugged her shoulder.

"My thesis?" Tara replied, her eyebrow raised in skepticism.

"Uh-huh. And look, I think it's stupid for you to do all this outdated research when you could just come straight to the source," Amber suggested, a playful grin spreading across her face.

"You?" Tara echoed, disbelief evident in her voice.

"Exactly! Come out with me. I'll let you ask me anything," Amber offered, her smile softening as she leaned in slightly, her confidence unwavering.

Tara's expression shifted. She moved behind Amber, swiftly grabbing her weapon and pointing it at her. Amber instinctively raised her hands in surrender. "I can't go out with you," Tara said firmly, her eyes narrowing.

"Why not?" Amber frowned, genuinely curious.

"Like, a zillion reasons," Tara answered, her voice laced with frustration.

In a sudden, fluid motion, Amber kicked the weapon out of Tara's grasp. Tara stumbled, momentarily losing her balance, and Amber seized the opportunity, snatching the gun and pointing it back at the shorter girl.

"Well, now you have to come out with me," Amber smirked, a triumphant glint in her eyes.

Tara huffed in shock, staring at Amber with a mix of disbelief and annoyance. With a resigned frown, she grabbed her jacket from the nearby chair. "Fine," she muttered, pulling Amber along with her as they hurried down the stairs.

Tara stepped outside, clad in her soft baby pink tracksuit, the fabric comfortable against her skin. Behind her, Amber moved slowly, deliberately closing the door while still holding the weapon pressed against Tara's back. It was an unusual, yet effective, way to secure a date, she thought wryly.

As they approached the gate, ready to make their escape, a sudden crack of a twig startled Amber. Instinctively, she turned around and shot an arrow toward the sound. Tara's head whipped around just in time to see Liv, frozen in shock, the arrow lodged deep into the tree behind her, the tip perilously close to her body.

"Liv, what are you doing?" Tara gasped, her eyes wide as she took in the scene.

"I don't know who that is, but he ruined my sweater!" Liv exclaimed, tugging at her now tattered pink sweater, which had been ripped by the arrow. She stormed over, pointing an accusatory finger at Amber. "I don't know who you think you are—"

But then Liv's eyes widened as she finally registered who stood before her. "Amber Freeman?" she squeaked, disbelief washing over her face.

Amber, caught off guard by the sudden recognition, glanced back at Tara, her expression one of confusion.

Liv's scream pierced the air, echoing in the stillness of the night.

The two D.E.B.S. found themselves crammed into the car with Amber and Chad. Liv settled in the backseat beside Chad, her eyes darting around, while Tara occupied the passenger seat, glancing back at the duo with an air of skepticism.

"Where are you taking us?" Tara asked, her voice laced with suspicion as she turned to Amber.

"Where do you want to go?" Amber shot back, her gaze fixed on Tara, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

"Back home!" Liv chimed in from the back, her tone firm.

Amber turned to Liv, annoyance flickering across her face before she rolled her eyes dramatically. Without missing a beat, she veered the car into a narrow tunnel, cones and "DO NOT ENTER" signs flashing past them as she careened through the barricade.

"What are you doing?" Tara exclaimed, gripping the seat tightly, her heart racing with confusion.

The car sped down the darkened tunnel, shadows dancing against the walls. Liv suddenly let out a scream, gripping the edge of her seat as Amber wrestled with the steering wheel. Without warning, the car burst through a shimmering magical wall, emerging into a vibrant hangout area. It was alive with laughter, music, and an eclectic mix of people enjoying the night.

Amber parked the car, turning to Tara with a determined look. "Come on," she urged, motioning for them to get out.

Tara remained frozen in her seat, her brow furrowing. "You can't be serious. We're not just getting out here!"

"Look, these tunnels go on for miles," Amber continued, her tone a mix of exasperation and sincerity. "You guys could be lost in there for days, even weeks."

But the two D.E.B.S. refused to respond, exchanging wary glances. Amber smacked her lips in frustration. "Okay. Suit yourselves." She hopped out of the car, shutting the door behind her as Chad followed suit.

"I have to pee," Liv announced bluntly, her voice filled with urgency. Tara shot her an annoyed look, but Liv merely shrugged, unfazed.

D.E.B.S - tamberWhere stories live. Discover now