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Y | N

I always knew my father treats me differently.
He loves me, he adores me and he have proved it thousands of times. There's not a single moment when my family haven't made me feel how loved I am. There's no doubt.

But, there's always a feeling, a thick air between us. Maybe because he seems to care a lot about Aera and Min-woo that I always knew he's holding back when it comes to me.

He tells me that he loves me but it feels like he didn't mean it. Yet his actions speak louder than his words.

Unfortunately, right now I'm feeling that this is one of those moments where I feel my father doesn't know me much or he doesn't try to.

"Please, dear, you're the only one who can fix this." My father begged.

"No. She won't do it. Y/n, won't be a pawn in another of your pathetic games to gain power." Min-woo raised his voice.

I looked at my brother. He was in rage. He has always been a little angry with our father and right now I can feel he's inches away from doing something regrettable.

"You stay away from this, son." My father warned.

It was only us, others left ten minutes ago so my family and I could get out of this situation. I looked over to my mother and she was sitting on the bed, silent. Awfully silent.

"Marry him. Save your family that's all I'm asking, Dear." His eyes held pain and betrayal. He looked exhausted.

"How can you even ask me that, Appa. How can I marry the guy whom I barely knows. I look up at him as my brother and for Christ sake he's my sister's fiance-


I flinched back at his sudden outburst.

"She made her choice. She made it clear where she stands and now I want you to chose, Y/n." As I looked at my father, suddenly I can't recognise the man standing infront of me. He wants his own daughter to replace another? He wants me to be a Replaced Bride?

But his next words had stopped everything around me,

"I beg you!"

As I walked towards the mandap wearing the wedding dress that was supposed to be my sister's and marrying the guy that my sister was suppose to marry, I suddenly feel suffocated.

My eyes landed on him. The man I was about to marry. The man who loved my sister hopelessly, the man who showed me nothing but mercy, the man who did nothing but cared for me and here I was betraying him.

I feel disgusted with myself. My insides were screaming at me for even agreeing to all this.
My eyes roamed around to find the only man I wanted to see at the moment. Hyun was standing beside his father with a scowl on his face. His jaw clenched as he stared at the floor.

I looked away immediately not able to hide the tears that was threatening to fall. I caught Taehyung looking at me. My face was covered in veil so nobody can see my face but I could feel his eyes on me. I looked at him and his eyes were glowing with love and affection for my sister.


My mother and soon to be mother in law helped me climb up as I carefully sat beside the man I was about to betray.

I looked around me, seeing faces I can barely recognise. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see his grandfather.

"I'm proud of you, Dear." He whispered patting my head and left to join his family who sat there watching this drama unfolding infront of them.
I scoffed remembering the conversation I had with his grandfather a moment ago,

His Replaced Bride KTH x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now