• !! four !! •

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gang ignore the fact viv is lowk a bitch here (oops sorry! she'll get better i promise gang)


While Hana enjoyed her car ride with Autumn, Ruby walked home alone. Normally, she'd go to Hana's house until Vivian came back, but today she couldn't face anyone. Her mind raced as she imagined her mother's disappointment. Vivian was a great mother, but her strictness could feel overwhelming at times. Grades weren't always Vivian's biggest concern—it was more about Ruby staying out of trouble—but failing was different. This felt like a line she couldn't cross without consequence, and the anxiety gnawed at her, making the walk feel longer than usual.

Ruby 'knew' Vivian wouldn't be home for another hour or two, and she silently hoped that the teacher had forgotten to message her mother. But she was wrong. As she entered the house slowly, even though she thought no one was home, a voice cut through the silence.

"You failed?!" Vivian's sharp tone startled Ruby. She wasn't expecting her mother to be home this early—it was only 4 p.m.

"I... uh..." Ruby stuttered, her heart sinking.

"Failed?! Seriously?! 15%?! Why?!" Vivian shouted, her voice filled with disbelief and frustration. Ruby immediately burst into tears, the overwhelming guilt crashing over her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she sobbed.

Vivian rolled her eyes, her impatience clear. "Why?!" she continued, waiting for an explanation.

"I... the teacher is bad at teaching... I didn't understand the material..." Ruby mumbled through her tears.

"So you should've studied!" Vivian yelled back.

"I did!" Ruby cried.

"You didn't. You know you're stuck with this, right?!" Vivian's voice grew even sharper.

"I know! I tried, I promise... I'm sorry," Ruby sobbed harder.

"You didn't try hard enough," Vivian shot back. There was a tense pause. "Give me your phone."

"Please, that's the only thing I can do..." Ruby pleaded desperately, her last lifeline slipping away.

"Give. Me. The. Phone," Vivian repeated, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Ruby didn't leave the room. She stood frozen, tears streaming down her face, clutching her phone tightly. Vivian's gaze was unrelenting, her arms crossed, waiting for her daughter to comply.

"Now, Ruby," Vivian commanded, her voice quieter but no less firm. Ruby hesitated, her hands trembling as she slowly handed over the phone, her heart sinking further.

Vivian snatched it from her, glancing at the screen briefly before shoving it into her pocket. "You'll get it back when I say so," she said coldly, remaining in the room, her presence still heavy.

Ruby's sobs quieted, but the weight of disappointment hung thick in the air. She stood there, feeling helpless and utterly defeated, unable to look at Vivian, who stayed silent, watching her daughter with a look of stern disapproval.

"Do you even know how disappointing this is? Do you even know how embarrassing it is for all the parents to see my daughter failed?!" Vivian's voice trembled with a mix of anger and disbelief, shaking her head as if trying to dispel the reality of the situation. Suddenly, Ruby's sadness and disappointment ignited into fury.

"Really?! Well, I already knew you were disappointed in me! I already knew you were embarrassed of me! It doesn't change anything!" Ruby shot back, rolling her eyes in defiance, her heart racing as her emotions spiraled.

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