• !! six !! •

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this was lowk so fun to write ngl

"Ugh. Another one of these shitty dinners," Hana mumbled, applying her lip gloss before leaving the room with her parents. "I should've been at ballet," she grumbled, clearly irritated.

"Not my fault it was canceled," Winter responded, shrugging.

"I could just stay home...?" Hana suggested hopefully.

"No," Autumn cut her off firmly.

Hana rolled her eyes, her frustration showing. "I. Hate. You," she mumbled playfully.

"No, you don't," Autumn replied with a teasing smile.

"You're right, no, I don't," Hana admitted with a grin, the mood lightening as they headed to the house.

As they arrived, Hana took a deep breath before entering. Her face lit up when she spotted Mia.

"Hey, princess," Mia greeted with a warm smile.

"Hi!" Hana responded cheerfully.

A bit later, as the conversation shifted to work and the nursery, Mia's phone rang with an unknown number. "I'll be right back," she said, stepping out to take the call.

Phone Call:

Mia: (picks up the phone) Hello?
Agent: Hello, is this Amelia Mae Roberts?
Mia: Yes, speaking.
Agent: Hello, Miss Roberts. I'm Laurel Marie Kingsley, calling on behalf of Lexon Law Services and Child Protective Services. Do you have a moment to talk?
Mia: Uh, sure. Why are you calling me?
Agent: Do you have any children, Miss Roberts
Mia: No, I don't. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure why you're asking.
Agent: Are you certain you don't have any children?
Mia: Yes, I'm sure.
Agent: Do you know a Belle Asira Ellison?
Mia: No, I don't.
Agent: Miss Roberts, we have done some research and are almost 100% certain she is your daughter.
Mia: What?!
Agent: As a representative of Child Protective Services, we will need to conduct an interview with you. Do you consent to that?
Mia: Uh... sure? When?
Agent: Tomorrow at 7:30 PM would be great. We are located in Essex. Can you make it there?
Mia: Sure...
Agent: Thank you for your patience, Miss Roberts. We'll see you tomorrow at 7:30 PM.
Mia: Bye...?

"What the fuck," Mia mumbled under her breath, grabbing her coat and turning to leave in a daze. She didn't say a word as she drove home, her thoughts racing, desperate to talk to Charlotte. "I can't have a fucking daughter... what the hell is this madness? Someone's playing some sick joke on me," she thought.

Finally, she reached home, practically stumbling through the door to find Charlotte.

"You're back early?" Charlotte joked, unaware.

"Sweetheart, I have something serious to discuss with you," Mia said, her tone heavy.

Charlotte's face shifted immediately from playful to serious. "What is it?" she asked, concern edging into her voice.

"I got a phone call saying I have a daughter?!" Mia blurted out.

"What?" Charlotte asked, her brow furrowing.

Mia shrugged, pacing around the room. "I don't even know. This has to be some mistake. It makes no sense."

Charlotte blinked in disbelief. "What?" she repeated, trying to grasp it.

"Meeting tomorrow in Essex at 7:30 pm," Mia said, taking a deep breath.

"Mhm," Charlotte mumbled, unsure of how to respond.

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