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also guys character hana here is not me this is another person okej don't think i'm complimenting myself it makes me uncomfortable js to write this 😔 (it is me but not really i am not complimenting myself)


"Hana, get up! We have a dinner to attend!" Winter called out, his voice firm as he tried to wake his daughter. He stood by her bed, watching as she barely stirred.

"What dinner?" she mumbled, eyes still shut, her voice heavy with sleep. "Let me nap..."

Winter sighed in frustration. "Your grandfather is hosting a dinner, Hana. We need to go. Come on," he insisted, his patience thinning.

"Do I have to gooo..." she groaned, her words dragging as she buried herself deeper into the blankets.

"Yes, you have to. You always take forever to get ready," Winter snapped, his tone now laced with irritation. "Get up." But she simply turned over, her face hidden in the pillow, drifting back to sleep, ignoring his growing frustration.

Just then, Autumn walked in, her presence filling the room with authority. "Hana, get up," she said, her voice firm and almost commanding, leaving no room for argument.

"Okay," Hana replied, sitting up almost instantly, her drowsiness vanishing under Autumn's watchful gaze.

"You have 30 minutes to get ready before we leave. We can't be late," Autumn added, her tone making it clear that there would be no excuses.

"Okay," she repeated, quickly getting out of bed to go get dressed. Without another word, Winter and Autumn left the room, confident she would be ready in time.

Hana got ready, slipping into a beautiful silk black dress that shimmered in the light. She added a touch of makeup—perhaps more than what most would expect for a 13-year-old, but it was her style. Autumn and Winter never questioned her choices; they supported their daughter fully, allowing her the freedom to express herself however she pleased, especially when it came to her appearance. For them, her confidence was what mattered most.

They got in the car, and while Hana listened to music with her AirPods, Autumn stared out the window, silently reflecting. Had she done a good job raising her daughter? The question lingered, quiet but persistent.

Hana was respectful, kind, caring, beautiful, protective, fierce, loving, and amazing. Autumn had raised her daughter perfectly. She had done a good job, unlike her father had done with her.

As they pulled into the driveway, Autumn glanced at Hana, who was now scrolling through her phone, a bright smile lighting up her face. Autumn felt a surge of pride but also a twinge of anxiety. She hoped Hana would remain untouched by the harshness of the world outside their home. With a deep breath, she pushed her worries aside, reminding herself that Hana was strong enough to handle whatever came her way.

This was a family dinner; a dinner Roger hosted once every two months. It was an event everyone dreaded. Nobody liked Roger. Nobody liked the dinner. But they still attended.

Hana liked dressing up and enjoyed the thrill of getting ready, but that didn't make the dinner any better. She often found herself wishing they could skip it altogether, even as she admired her reflection in the mirror, feeling the soft fabric of her dress against her skin. As they all got out of the car, the familiar knot of anxiety twisted in her stomach, knowing what awaited her inside.

They entered the house, taking a deep breath before stepping inside. Roger was in his usual spot, drinking beer, while Siobhan set the table with practiced precision.

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