Chapter 5 : Yours sweetheart

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Wayo's POV

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Wayo's POV

I shouldn't have worn those damn contact lenses for hours. Now my eyes are killing me, red and itchy, leaving me no choice but to wear my dorky glasses at today's practice. Just great. Nothing screams "campus Moon" like looking like a nerd who's lost his way to the library.

They're going to laugh at me. I just know it.

I stand in front of the mirror, pushing the glasses up my nose for the millionth time. Come on, Yo, it's just one day. You can go back to wearing your contacts tomorrow. But even my pep talk isn't working. I feel ridiculous. And to make things worse, I'm late to practice. Fabulous.

I sprint into the studio, breathless and disheveled, catching Nate beaming at me from across the room. Is she smiling because I look damn hilarious in these glasses? Yeah, probably.

Wait, where's Ming?

I spot him across the studio, dancing with his partner like he owns the place. Of course, I think bitterly. He doesn't have to deal with this whole "ugly-glasses" situation.

Without even asking permission, I sneak behind the other Moons and Stars, slipping into Ming's partner's place like I belong there. Now we've got two stars paired with two moons for the dance practice. Iconic.

"Ai'Ming," I hiss, leaning in close so no one hears. "Is P'Pha here yet?"

Ming frowns at me, his eyes rolling so far back I'm surprised he doesn't pass out. "Ai'Yo khrub, aren't you tired of this already? You've asked me the same damn question every single day since practice started."

I squirm a little. "Well..."

"I swear, Yo. You only ask me about your 'handsome man' whenever I see you. I hate you for it." He huffs, but the smirk creeping onto his lips tells me he's entertained.

"Is he here or not?" I press.

Ming sighs dramatically. "No, Yo, he's not here yet. Do you really think a guy who looks like he belongs in a shampoo commercial is going to show up on time? He's probably too busy being perfect somewhere."

He's right, of course. P'Pha only shows up to practice to be nice to everyone, like some kind of overly generous prince handing out sweet drinks to the peasants. He probably thinks being polite is enough to win this competition. I wish I could do the same.

Last night wasn't any better. I had to buy some nonsense vitamins thank goodness for that 24-hour pharmacy that saved me from complete humiliation. We said goodbye on the third floor, and I dragged my tired self up to the fifth, thinking about how it was the best goodbye ever because, hey, we shared an umbrella. The simplest things make me happy, apparently.

"Hey, why are you wearing your glasses?" Ming asks, snapping me back to reality.

Of course, he noticed.

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