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Everything was pitch black. All that could be heard was the working sound of an engine, dropping and falling in a steady rhythm. Slowly Wairus frame caught up to his spark and he open his optics with caution, like something was going to leap at him when he did. Looking around he saw wiring and peices of crushed rock and metal. He quickly felt over his frame, everything was there. Both arms and legs, his helm and torso.

Letting out a sigh of relief he allowed himself to relax and assess his situation. So, Unicron hadn't munched on him that was great, yes.

But he had also said he wanted to keep him around and not kill him, yet. Did he want to play keep away with him, hunt him for sports?

It felt like he would have come by already and gloated about how he had killed their creator, but so far nothing or none had come for him. His huge form seemed awfully... quiet? For a being that was supposed to be the ultimate evil that is.

Slowly getting up he dusted himself off from the various amount of debree and grime. If Unicron wasn't going to come to him, he was going to find Unicron himself. Someone had to kill him and now might be his best chance for revenge.

He didn't want to fight. But he realized it might be his only chance, Cybertrons only chance to be free of his terror.

But the gods frame proved almost impossible to navigate. He tried to pull up his own information about the basic lines and seams in a regular bot. But quickly realized he had no clue as to how the gods anatomy actually worked, or how to navigate a bots frame for that matter.

So he just wandered. Maybe pulling a few sensitive looking wires would catch Unicrons attention. But he wasn't that desperate to go face with him just yet, or to be discovered.

The further he walked drones started to show up moving about with their deligated tasks some holding things while some just flew of in a general direction. But they moved past him like he wasn't a threat, a little offended by their lack of reaction. He could be a great warrior... when he wanted to be. They did however seem to note his presence as they flew around him, the entire ordeal was beyond strange.

After a while he noticed that the halls were getting more lit up by purple light, veins trailing along the walls in random pattern. It felt like the walls were moving as he moved deeper. As he looked up his spark nearly flew out of its casing. Along the walls were preists held up by wires, pressed close along the curved hallway. A few limbs were movable but all of them had their mouths coverd.They shaked their helms erratically as much as their bindings would allow, wich was by his surprise quite alot.

He furrowed his brows as he took a step closer to one of the priests that was stuck the lowest. His one servo was free and he signed too him.

Wairu shook his servos "Im sorry i don't speak hand.."

The priest looked towards where he was headed then back at him Shaking his helm.

"You don't want me to go there?"

A nodd in confirmation.

"Why? Is Unicron there?"

Another nodd.

"Is.. he occupied?"

More nodding.

This time Wairu hesitate. He had walked around looking for Unicron but he never actually belived he would get there. And now being just on the verge of meeting and ending him, he doubted.

Was this really something he had the bearings to do? Go face to face with a god?
He wasn't delusional he had seen what he was capable to do against another god and the primes. What had made him think he really stood a chance against an ancient being like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08 ⏰

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