Part 5 Trust

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Primus returned from Unicrons shrine after a full day, a smug smile on his faceplate. His priest walking behinde him. Wildframe looking more relaxed and comfortable around him.

He walked straight for his quarters, his priests staying at his throne to talk. He opend the door softly in case Qaru was still recharging.

The berth was nicely made, no sleeping Qaru. He fully enterd, seeing Qaru sitting in the window. The datapad he had given him in his lap, frame slumped against the window, he seem to have fallen asleep reading again. He loved to loose himself in a good story or read up on how to create a new strong weapon. He was like a small version of Solus sometimes.

Primus walked to stand beside him, making sure that he accualy was asleep and not just resting, lost in some thought about a new invention.

He froze up as he looked at Qarus faceplate. Dried streaks of coolant leaking from his optics, he had been crying?. Primus optics softend as he gently took the datapad from his lap, placing it on the side lifting him up in his arms. Qaru did nothing more than huff at the movememt he caused, alerting Primus that he was still asleep

He placed him in his berth, Qarus optics suddenly shot open as he gripped Primus chest armor enough to bend it, in visable panic. Primus bit his derma in a held back groan, he was strong for his smaller frame.

"Your allright, you are safe." Primus gave him a gentle nuzzle to the helm. "None is going to hurt you."

Qaru looked up at him, a new streak of coolant now running along his cheeks. He let go of Primus chest armor optics widening in slight horror. "Sire im.. im so sorry, i didn't realize ..."

Primus hushed him. "It is fine. I will have them bend it out tomorrow...What is troubling your Qaru?, same nightmares again?"

This was not the first time he had found Qaru crying or getting his armor accidentally bent by the mech. He had gone through a troublesome ordeal before he became a high priest at his shrine.

Some of wich became night terrors, haunting him during most of the nights, and sometimes even the waking hours.

The first few nights he had spent in the shrine was the absolute worst. Primus had been contacted by his other priests in the middle of the night, letting him know that Qaru had woken up several times during the night so far, trembling, crying, even falling out of his berth at one point.

Primus had gone straight to the priests shared berthrooms and woken Qaru up, seeing some coolant stains on his pillow and faceplate. Carrying him to his berthroom, with him protesting it half the way.When they had gotten to his room to sit down at his berth, Qaru had compleatly broken down, sobbing against Primus chest.
Since then he had often shared berth with Primus, finding security from his nightmares in his precence. His night terros decreasing rapidly with his newfound positon and rising confidence, even at the times Primus was gone for longer periods.

Qaru nodded at Primus question. "Yes same nightmares.. But this time we also lost you completly... And i woke up alone in here and it just made it.. worse." he dried the streaks of coolant running down his cheeks.

"You could have commed me Qaru..." He pulled a blanket over him noticing his small shivers, still not completly restored from the virus.

"I heard that you where with Unicron so i didn't want to interrupt. I know it was millenia since last you met one another."

Primus sighed "At least you could have talked to me. I might have been.. preoccupied.. today, but for you, i always have time to talk." He pulled him close.

Qaru smiled closing his optics. "I have learnt to someway controll the nightmares... or at least become less affected by them. This was just an onfurtunate event. I am fine i ussure you Sire."
He curled up in Primus warm embrace, letting himself bask in his presence.

"Alright. Rest a bit more. You are still not fully recoverd." Qaru nodded mumbling something before going right back to recharge in his lap.

Sometime later Primus went to the training room, he needed to train his new frame to move as well as he had before. Taking help from his priest Ratiu that he spoke with the other day.

Testing out a sword that seemed to be split in 3 parts, each peice hovering over one another. Ratiu held his favourite weapon, an electric staff with a blade at the bottom , Simple yet eligant as he always put it.

Ratiu waisted no time, lunging for Primus with the electic rod. Primus dodging it with practiced ease. "Are you going easy on me Ratiu?"

He dodged another blow with his sword, the electric rod almost sliding throug the gaps in his sword.

"Not at all Sire." He spun the rod around clashing swords with him. "Just seeing the time of your reflexes."

Primus vents huffed as he pushed him back, Ratiu lunged for him, Primus blocking with the sword, but miss calculated as the rod went through one of the hovering parts in his sword sending a jolt of electricity at his shoulder.

He groaned his arm slightly numb. Putting some space between them, he lunged for him, but trew his sword away when he was close enough and skidded across the floor knocking Ratiu to the ground. Making a quick recovery he got on top of Ratiu sitting down on him with a smile.

"I think i win this time." He got off him and helped him get up.

"I got to admit Sire it was quite the unexpected move, im impressed. What does that move make it?, the hundredth time you do that?." Ratiu chuckled dusting himself off.

"You made quite the mark on my shoulder i give you that. I do it so often and yet, there you are on the floor" He gave him a short bow and Ratiu did the same.

"I hope it didn't sting too mu-"

A loud BOOM roared through the shrine, the ground shaking....

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