24- Annoying Sorcerers....

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"Why are they surrounding Pollux?!"

Arcturus stood in the doorway in shock as Gloria and Alpheratz stood behind him.

Pollux was sitting at his desk, hunched over while he was surrounded by other students, some slamming their hands on the desks, others shoving him to get a reaction out of him. Some were even yelling...

Arcturus wanted to rush in, he awkwardly walked closer to the group.

Alpheratz sighed, "Of course Arcky would want to run in there with no plan. Great... Kids these days, they're finding more creative ways to screw themselves over...."

Gloria kind of sighed in agreement, since in a situation like this, running in without knowing fully what's happening could backfire. Alpheratz and Gloria remained at the door.

Pollux grumbled up at the students around him, "Get a move on, people.... Class is starting soon."

One of the sorcerers scoffed, they looked like they were from Kamargo, "Shame on you... You must have forgotten that the Constellations are watching..."

Another Kamargo clan member spoke up, "He could have used forbidden spells.... Why else would he refuse checkup procedures?" They soon started to summon their blades. Gloria's eyes widened. WAIT! NO!

Others in the class started to cheer. The sharp blades point at Pollux, starting to emit a strange whirls of energy! Pollux's eyes were wide.... One of the things he feared seem to be coming true...

N O !

Gloria yelled, "ARCKY!" She points for him to do something. Arcturus nods and instantly got between the Kamargo clan members and Pollux, "Guys! Stop it!" Gloria remained by Alpheratz's side; she didn't realize she started to tremble. Alpheratz looked at her with a slight approving look, "It's best we lie low in a situation like this for now. If we went out there, it would be a clash between four clans..."

The Kamargo members don't look surprised at all. They close in on Arcturus without hesitation. One of them spoke up, "First Sorcerer of Boötes... Congratulations on your recovery." Arcturus gave a slight smile, but stood tall, "Thanks. I'd be even more grateful if you lowered your weapons... Poll didn't do anything. I assure you he didn't." He spoke proudly of this. Pollux's eyes widened from his words, there was a hint of vulnerability in them. Gloria softly smiled at this. I told you Pollux... 

One of the other Kamargo clan members snickered, "Oh yeah~! Arcturus is an East Boundary kid!" Arcturus blinks, "What does that have to do with this-"

"I heard the story, 'the boy who cried wolf' was it?"

Arcturus' face went pale.

"Yeah, I've heard that story~!"

Pollux raised his eyebrow, "What, the fairy tale...? What's that gotta do with all of this..?"

Gloria tilted her head as she listened.

The Kamargo student spoke again, "You know, the rumor that the East Boundary stopped trusting sorcerers in certain parts... because a certain sorcerer started spreading false rumors around to get people scared!"

Arcturus spoke up in a panic, "No! I-I never lied! There really was a wolf near Blueflower Hill-"

He started to stumble as his hand flew to his forehead. Arcturus' face morphed to a look of pain.

Alpheratz's eyes widened, "Arcky's not received at all... He'll collapsed again if-"

Gloria starts to run to him, but Alpheratz stops her with a hand on her shoulder, "I'll carry him." Her eyes widened as she looked up at him. Alpheratz looked away from her, "Don't get me wrong... I'm doing this because you would most likely struggle supporting his weight..."

He dashed over to Arcturus and instantly picked him up before he could collapse.

The room erupted to chaos with Arcturus almost fainting.

Pollux instantly got up from his seat. Both him and Gloria rushed over to Alpheratz.

"Is he... ok?!"

Alpheratz nods at Pollux, "I'll take him to the infirmary..."

Gloria looks up at him, "... please hurry..."

He softly smiled at her, "Don't worry. He's in good hands." He turned and left the classroom.

Now there was a chorus of dreams, gossip, and whatnot. Gloria turned to the class and cupped her hands together.

"H E Y !"

She got their attention, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves before she yelled at the class.


Only some of the students listened to her, the others rolled their eyes at her.

She sighed as she looked back at Pollux, "Are you ok...?"

Pollux nods, "I.... Arcky..."

Gloria put her hands on his shoulders, "He'll be ok... I trust Alpheratz will make sure of it. Arcky is tough..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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