8- All bark but does it bite?

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Gloria's eyes widened, "Canceled...?"

Arturus blinks, "The point of all this was to protect Gloria. There's nowhere else Gloria can stay at the Boundary outside of Contell. She might have to sleep on the streets! You don't want that to happen, right?" Vega's eyes widened, his blue gaze shifting to the ground as he became speechless, "I..."

"I... I can," Gloria quickly spoke up, "I am sure I can be of use! S-sure I don't know how I'd be a danger... but I'll make sure that won't happen!! Just.... I'll try hard!" She was slightly panicking since she was anxious about Vega's points. What if they do throw me out?! I just got here and I don't want to be alone! I promised mom that I'll be safe...

Vega sighed, "But you're still... Sure Summoner, effort is always admirable." Vega seems to feel a bit bad for bringing this up, "But sometimes all the effort in the world doesn't get you what you want. One day, you will understand. Some things simply refuse to be solved no matter how hard we try, Wouldn't you say so...?"

Gloria sighed, "I... yeah... I do understand that... all too well... But I haven't done anything to prove this is a bad idea yet. I barely even been here."

Sirius soon spoke up, "It seems that Vega doubts that you wouldn't be able to get used to life here, surrounded by all these cocky sorcerers." Gloria blinks, "Huh?" Sirius nods, "You are technically a transfer student. Imagine what they'll say if they found out we just handed you a certificate.... Their giant egos wouldn't be able to stand the sight of you." He sighs, "The thought of it already gives me a headache." Gloria couldn't help but agree, "Yeah... that's something I wouldn't want... but..."

She sighed.

Arcturus soon spoke up, "Am I the only one who can see Gloria in a supporting role with that personality? Why not let her participate by assisting the rest of us?"

Everyone turned and looked at Arcturus as he said that. Vega sighed, "That sounds like a fancy way of saying we should use Gloria like an amplifier stone. I assure you, Sorcerer Arcturus, that no one at Contell needs an assistant."

Gloria clenched her fist, "I don't want to give up on this! Maybe there is more to my ability besides that?!" Arcturus nods, "Yeah! You'll eventually find something only you can do, Gloria. And we'll be there to help you along the way!" Spica quietly spoke, "That sounds reasonably optimistic. If Gloria can handle it, that is... What we need is an undeniably strong reason that Gloria's role is needed in this world." Pollux thought for a moment, "A strong cause... That's gonna be hard, especially for an outsider." Spica soon gave a slight smile, Sirius noticed it, "You always have that smug look on your face when you've got a bright idea, Spica. Tell us." Spica speaks to everyone, "The guide Committee is an organization that holds massive responsibilities within the academy." Arcturus's eyes widened, "Spica, you're not saying-"

"As First Sorcerer of Virgo," Spica turns to Gloria, "I hereby offer you an honorary Guide Committee membership."

"Wait wait!!" Gloria's blue gaze had widened in shock, "I need a bit to process all of this...."

She takes a deep breath, "Ok... so... the idea is for me to join the Guide Committee so that way I have a reason to be here besides being the 'Summoner'?" Spica nods, "Yes, that is correct." Gloria got a bit more confused, "But... I thought the Guide Committee was some kind of special organization."

Spica blinks, "I'd say that's a little too much. But it's not entirely inaccurate considering the gravity of our work."

"Hold up," Pollux stepped forward, "Isn't this too important for Fili Pfeper to decide alone?"

Vega soon muttered to himself, "The Guide Committee is a Contell-based school organization entirely made up of guide sorcerers... And you," he turns to Spica, "have used this tradition against us to force us into membership... I must ask, doesn't this decision contradict every other decision you've made for the rest of us?"

Gloria turned to Vega, "Forced...?! Huh!? So all you guys were forced into the committee...?!" Everyone was quiet, a silent confirmation for it to be true. "This isn't helping my mind even more now about joining the Guide Committee...."

Spica soon coughs, "Your transfer is a rare exception... Your membership will be a crucial part of adjusting to life as a Summoner here in Bound Arlyn. Of course, Pollux is right to point out that the decision can't be made by Fili Pfeper alone. Therefore, I call upon all committee members for a formal meeting on this matter."

"But," Arcturus soon adds, "Some of them are out on a pilgrimage..."

"Pilgrimage..?" Gloria was more confused. Arcturus nods, "Oh, right! So a pilgrimage is usually-"

Sirius cuts in, "The Guide Committee is made up of two teams, Summoner. The sorcerers you met here are in the Support Team, they stay here and assist others in various activities. The Task Force goes around the boundaries and identifies problems that require sorcerers. Their run is called a pilgrimage."

Arcturus looked down, "I was gonna explain.... But yeah, what he said."

"We can get 'em to use their magic tools for that. No big deal." Pollux soon spoke, "This was your plan all along, wasn't it, Spica? You could've told us, you know."

Spica sighed, "I couldn't risk losing an opportunity to gather everyone's voices.

Vega sighed, "I'll admit you caught me off guard. You led me right into your trap... very clever." He turns to Gloria, "That will be all, Summoner. The consequences will be yours to regret.."

"Eh?" Gloria tilts her head, "Why can't you be nicer about this...?"

Vega blinks, "I... I'll try to watch it nicely... Watching whether you adjust, whether you regret. But consider my doubts, Summoner. That's all I ask."

After that, Vega turns and leaves.

Sirius chuckles, "I guess it's a wrap then. Thanks for the entertainment, Summoner." Spica pats her on the shoulder, "The meeting won't take too long, Gloria. We'll let you know as soon as it concludes." Sirius and Spica soon leave.

Pollux stretches, "Well that was a lot to take in." Gloria nods, "Tell me about it... It felt suffocating." Pollux turns to leave, "I'm outta here. I don't wanna be late for class!" Pollux waves bye to Gloria and Arcturus before finally leaving fully.

Gloria was left there in the hall with Arcturus. He spoke up, sighing, "At least that's one thing taken care of. Are you alright? You must've been nervous." She shrugs, "It... It was nothing..."

She honestly didn't feel all too good after all of that. Her stomach felt like it was twisting up as her anxiety made her worry for what would happen. Why did I have to be roped into all this mess...!?

"Really?" Arcturus seemed surprised by her words, "You aren't pretending, right? I just don't want you to bite off more than you can chew. This is too much for you to handle alone." She nods, "I'll be fine Arcky. Don't worry." He nods, "Anyways, it's time to get back... I'll walk you to Neb Aula so you can wait there till the meeting ends."

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