Chapter Six

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"Mom, we're home!" I called into the house as I hung my keys by the front door.

"Move bitch, I smell cookies." Casey said, shoving past me and ran towards the kitchen.

I shook my head at my childish best friend and followed her towards what did indeed smell like fresh cookies.
When I made it into the kitchen Casey already had her arms wrapped around my mother from behind kissing her cheek repeatedly.

"Molly, you're the best." She said before letting go of my laughing mother and taking a cookie from the pan on the stove.
My mom smacked her in the head playfully with an oven mitt, pretending she was annoyed by Caseys affection. Casey openly flirts with my mother all the time (much to my dismay).
It's probably a nice ego boost to have a teenager think you are hot when you are 43 years old. So I don't think she minds it all that much. She always just laughs it off and goes about her day as if she didn't hear it.

I walked towards them and smacked Casey on the back of the head a lot less playfully than my mother did before hugging my mom too.
"Hi ma." I greeted before grabbing a cookie for myself.
"Hi baby." My mom said going back to rolling dough. "How was your last day, girls?"

"It was good ma." I said simply. "We are gonna go get ready for a party."

I grabbed Casey by the arm and dragged her towards my room.
"Will this party have alcohol at it?" Mom called after us.
"Tons." Casey called back. I smacked her on the back of the head again for being honest before spinning around to see how my mother reacted.

She was now facing us with her arms folded across her chest and a scrutinizing look on her face.

"We will be smart ma." I said, trying to repair the possible damage to our plans that Casey just caused.

My mom stared between the two of us a moment longer before her face softened and she let out a laugh.

"I didn't hear any of that." She said, waving her hand dismissively in front of her face.

"But if you don't hear the ringer on your phone when I call to check in later we will have a problem." She said with a pointed look at both of us before turning back to her cookies.

I let out a relieved sigh and spun back around to my best friend who had an apologetic grin on her face. I rolled my eyes at her and continued pulling her with me towards my room.

"You dumb ass." I said after closing my door behind us.

"I could never lie to your mother. Can't build a healthy relationship on dishonesty." She said while flopping onto my bed.

"Shut the fuck up about my mom!" I huffed. I walked to the side of the bed and smacked her with one of the pillows.

"You're right, I should just keep things between your mom and I." She grinned.

I jumped on top of her and relentlessly smacked her with my pillow until we both collapsed onto the bed laughing.

"Time to get ready dumb ass." I said as I caught my breath. I climbed off of my bed and walked towards my closet.

"Are we dressing to impress anyone in particular?" Casey asked, following me across the room.

I glanced over at her with a dirty look before turning my attention back to my clothes.

"No." I answered. I'm not going to entertain what she was insinuating.

Her and I both know that after this summer Noah and I may never see each other again. So what's the point of even going for him?

"Oh please." She scoffed and moved into the closet. She started sifting through my things.

"You could at least try! You are giving up way too easily."

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