Chapter Five

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In my last class of the day, the teacher put the movie Princess Bride on and allowed us to mingle. I spent the time signing yearbooks and saying goodbye to some people I'd probably never see again. I kept catching golden eyes on me but he'd look away as soon as I'd meet his gaze. That is an exchange that has been going on for the last year in that class.

After classes let out I went out to the field for a solo training session like I do most days. Casey followed along and sat on the bench like she always does.

She pulled her laptop (my old laptop that she has claimed as hers) out of her bag and got to work on some dissertation she was working on for her summer classes.

I had finished the running portion of my session and had just moved on to shooting when a ball went flying past my head into the net.

I spun around quickly to see where it came from.

Noah was jogging across the field toward me with a big smile on his face. He usually comes to join me for shooting practice when he doesn't have training at his  academy.

"Heads." He said when he finally reached me.

"That could have hit me, you know." I folded my arms over my chest defensively but couldn't stop the smile that formed on my face.

"It only would have hit you if I was aiming at you." He said nudging my shoulder with his hand playfully.

I rolled my eyes and turned around back towards the goal.

"That's quite cocky of you Mr. Haze." I laughed and set up for my next shot.

"Well not everyone can shoot like me. Am I not allowed to be cocky about it?" He joked, moving past me into the net for his ball.

I took that as my opportunity for revenge and scooped my own ball into the air with my foot, sending it into the net directly next to his face. It took him by surprise and his cleat got caught in the net as he startled backwards, sending him onto his ass. He laid down onto his back in defeat immediately after.

"Heads." I said, covering my mouth with my hand to stop myself from laughing at his expense.

He looked up at me from his position on the ground with a cute pout on his handsome face.

"I deserved that." He sighed, and his smile returned to his face.

I burst into laughter finally and helped him get his cleats unstuck from the net. After that I stood up and offered him a hand to help him off the ground.

"You are allowed to be cocky with your shooting ability. Just not with me." I grinned. 

Noah laughed loudly and took my hand. I pulled him to his feet and he stood to his full height right in front of me.

His happy golden eyes looked straight into mine and it felt like a warm breeze swept across my body.

"As you wish." He said softly, grinning down at me.

"Princess Bride quote? How romantic, Haze." I giggled, letting go of his hand. I smiled up at him. Noah put his hands on his hips and suddenly looked very nervous.

"Uh, right. Sorry if that seemed like a- I- I know you and Rick- I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He stuttered, looking anywhere but me now.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his awkwardness. He has never been able to handle an ounce of flirting since I've known him.

"I'm not uncomfortable." I smiled, taking a step away from him to help ease his nerves. "I liked the quote."

He stood there for another moment like a deer caught in headlights until something shifted in his gaze. The nerves disappeared and he confidently took a small step towards me.

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