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Chapter 1:

You guys can already guess what I do every morning. I mean, what every teenager has been doing for over a decade. School.

My school though, mmmm, it's not normal....and it's not like crazy weird either. It's a pretty entertaining school to say the least. And like every American high school, we've got our cliques. The emos. The Hispanics. The hipsters. The geeky yoguioh and Pokemon playing kids. I mean we've got tons. These cliques are basically the first things I see every morning, and this morning is literally no different.

I stepped into the school about fifteen minutes before class started alongside my best friend/partner in crime/twitter bff, Angel. Not even 1 minute into the school, we pass by a couple dry humping each other against the stairs, a heavier set guy roaming his hands and grabbing what he can while slopping on some wet kisses on the shorter long haired girl who reciprocates his needy and feverish moves.

Angel looks over at me slowly and twitches. She literally twitches. I was so close to pressing speedial and calling the mental hospital.

But after her dramatic head turn, Angel sighed, and as we walked on she began to whine, arms flapping around:

"How come we can't find love like that, Alicia? Where's my let's-burn-people's-eyes-with-our-pda prince charming?"

I gave a slight chuckle and shook my head before we made it to my locker,

"Angel please, we haven't been able to find that oh so desirable love since freshman year, what makes you think we will our last year of high school, hmmm?"

Angel rolled her eyes as I stacked my books in my locker, and I turned to her:

"But the real question is, where the hell can I find my woke prince charming? Twitter is such a tease, like I know they exist, but are they even within 50 mile radius of us?"

"Well make sure to make that a requirement on your profile."

I narrowed my eyes.

"You're ridiculous. Let's get to class before I show you your match - my fist. You guys are really compatible."

Angel laughed nervously as I smiled wide at her, my fist held up as a small warning.

So rude,

The warning bell rang, and I composed myself as I dragged Angel to our first class of the day, Literature.

Such fun.

Our literature teacher has to be the most sleep inducing teacher on earth. The only way possible to stay awake is if I'm on my phone, and of course, like every power hungry teacher, he banned the use of cellphones in class. How does he expect me to take care of my twitter career without my phone? Ugh. Rude.

But am I the type to follow such an irrational rule? Nope. And like routine, I take out my phone, and keep it hidden on my lap. My eyes staring straight ahead to the board, where our principal is currently giving the morning announcements.

Yeah, I'm looking at the board, but am I listening? I know we've only known each other for a tiny bit, but I hope you guys know the answer to this.....

I quickly drown out the sound of my principal after I catch the ending of the announcement

"Have a terrific Tuesday students!"

Annnnnnd this is now my teachers cue to begin his challenge of keeping us all awake.

"Alright class, now you guys remember yesterday we began the incredibly well known Shakespearean play, Hamlet. Can someone shed light on what we've learned so far?"

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