Can You Chill?

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Chapter 2:

The rest of the day was pretty normal, well as normal as any of my days can get. River boy kept staring, and I've never realized, but I have him in a lot of my classes.....

Yeah, but other than that, school was whatever. I was just ready to get home with Angel and tweet our lives away....with some pizza.

And that's exactly what we did, when we hopped in my car, we made a pit stop at our local pizza place before we hit my house up. Pepperoni. Couch. Twitter...I'm freaking living. What more could I need?

But it looked like I was honestly the only one enjoying myself this much. It looked like the pepperoni Angel was eating was going to burn in her mouth because she looked just that angry.

"Angel, what in the world? You okay?"

"Just look at this." She muttered as she passed me her phone.

First thing I see, a bunch of tweets in succession. Okay....normal so far.

Next thing I see? Well, this time I actually look carefully, and I see what really was making Angel angry.

Guess. Just guess what it is. Come on, I said guess.

Of course, some idiot tweeting idiot things. Not unusual. But what is unusual is who the idiot is and what this idiot is tweeting.

Twitter user: Southernboyaf12. Who the hell is this? 

Well, I go into his profile to get a close up. The preview of his bowl cut in the avatar and his bird chest holding up a dead fish with his thin arms already gives me a VERY strong indication of who he is. And it's the boy who has been staring at the side of my face the entire day since first period, ladies and gentlemen, River goddamn Fleck. And what was this idiot talking about? Well, remember what I said about him being racist? Ding. Ding. Diiiing.

He had mentioned Angel a few times, racially attacking her. Example:

"@angxljuck you damn colored libtards are so damn stupid. Nothing but a bunch of lazy coloreds relyin on welfare"

....that was only an example. His other tweets were just as terrible though, and why he was attacking her? Well, what's any racist's motive? Who the hell knows. 

Now, what were we gonna do about it? 

Honestly, we could do what we always did, dig up any information we could find of the perpetrator and emailing a screenshot to the school they attend or the boss of the job they work, getting them expelled or fired. But....this guy was really close to home....

But in all our pondering for the proper punishment for this specific psycho, an idea struck my head, but I mean like struck my head like a bullet, and I passed Angel back her phone as a grin slid on my face.

"How about we do something a little different, ya'know, instead of the usual 'ruin their personal lives with an email' thing, let's do something else."

Angel turned quickly, her fingers already in position to tweet the idiot back, her usual bitch resting face contorted in confusion before she let out a loud and resounding,


"I get you wanna give him a piece of your beautiful socially aware mind but I mean, we should mess with him in person instead of the usual. Him getting suspended wouldn't change anything, you know racist have no regrets, and doubt he's an exception, and i'm sure when he came back, he'd still be as racist as he was when he left, maybe even more, if that's even possible."

Angel then loosened up. Her head nodding in understanding and approval. 

"Okay..okay I see what you're saying, but what do you have in mind exactly?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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