Jealousy Takes Over

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The daily routine started normally, King Roland making sure the Kingdom was perfect, the servants doing what needed to be done. Baileywick was making sure that the castle had been ready for the new Queen and Princess's arrival. As Baileywick walked down to what seemed an endless hallway, he turned and had run into Cedric, who was not up to date with what had been going on in the morning.

"Good morning Cedric", Baileywick had said in a jolly tune, "Have you had all your practice for the Queen's grand entrance today?"

Cedric almost choked on his saliva when he heard those words, "Queen?"

Baileywick sighed, his hand soothing his temples trying to relax himself from all the stress. "Yes Cedric, the new Queen. Have you not heard?"

Cedric stood there like a deer stuck in headlights. He could not believe what he was hearing. The King.. had already found a new wife? He knew that it had already been nine years, and that would be enough time to move on, but he just couldn't believe that. 

More like he didn't want to believe it.

"Ah yes! The.. the practice..!!  and..  Wh-When will the ceremony begin?", Cedric stammered momentarily. Of course nobody had told him there was going to be a grand entrance he had to partake in.. or about a new Queen.

Baileywick took out his pocketwatch from one of his many pockets, checking the time, "In twenty minutes."

Cedric felt his heart drop. He didn't even know what he was going to be doing at the ceremony, let alone know if he could have enough time to practise. Instead he planted a fake smile on his face, one that Baileywick knew of.

"Don't even worry your pretty little head about it, I got it all covered!", Cedric summoned up the courage to say proudly, even though he was doubting himself.

Baileywick stared at him for a few seconds, knowing he didn't have it all covered, but left it there since there was too much preparations to be done in such little time. At that moment he continued to walk along the hallway, leaving Cedric alone to his thoughts.

Cedric marched down the hallway into the door that consisted his tower. Slamming the door behind him, he begins mutterring to himself.

Why must it always be me. 

Doing puppet tricks to entertain.

I could be doing greater things, I'm a sorcerer for Merlin's sake.

He paced around the room, Wormwood squawking in the background. Cedric annoyingly turned to the dark feathered raven. "Oh what do you  want now! Can't you see I'm busy.", Cedric yelled at the bird, desperately trying to shoo it away.

After successfully being able to make Wormwood fly off to someplace else, he looks in his spellbook, rushingly turning through the pages, desperately trying to find a spell or something he could do to impress the King at the ceremoney.

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