The Angelic Devil

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I don't take responsibility in bad dreams or killers that use similar killing technique as the people in this story.

Let the story begin, enjoy.


Chapter 1.

I took a sip of my hot vanilla latte while I was looking around in the room, scanning every person. The café I was sitting at was right next to our school and many people used to hang out there, doing their homework or just chatting after school or during the breaks. I was one of those students, but I had other things on my mind than homework or simple conversations.


I snapped out of my thoughts and focused my eyes on Rachel. She was looking at me with an annoyed expression before she sighed and took a small bite of her sandwich.

"You always space out in crowded rooms," she said before swallowing.

"I guess I do."

"Are you checking out some boys?" She said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes at her statement before I took another sip from my coffee. It was very typical Rachel to think that I actually cared that much about the boys in our school.

"Anyways, there will be a party tonight at Laura's place, are you coming?" Rachel asked changing the subject which I gladly did.

"Have I ever missed a party?" I asked.

She smiled at me before she shoved the last bite of the sandwich into her mouth, but it was a bit too big for her to comfortably chew on it. She sat up a bit more straight and waved with her hands in front of her face to show me that she was going to speak right after finishing her sandwich. I waited patiently and noticed that she chewed a bit longer than one usually would, I didn't know why I hadn't noticed that before.

"I have to go now, I got to pick David up", she said after finally swallowing.

"Why can't your parents do that?" I asked.

"They said that if I wanted to go to the party I had to pick him up", she explained before grabbing her bag and giving me a quick hug.

"But I'll pick you up at around six", Rachel said before she left, but the smell of her flowering perfume stayed around for a while.

I looked around the room again and saw a few people smoking outside the entrance. I only recognised three people from my class and they were all pretty popular. I wouldn't say that I was a popular kid, firstly because I didn't care, which was kind of important. But going to parties made people notice you, wearing nice clothes made you even more popular. None of those two things were actually pretty hard for me to do.

I finally finished my coffee and stepped out of the café.


I turned around with a fake smile glued onto my face, ready to face the most annoying ones of popular kids.

"Hi", I said to Jess, Laura, Sam and three other guys I didn't know.

"Oh, this is Peter, Jack and Damien", Jess said motioning to the three unknown guys.

I noticed that both Peter and Jack had cigarettes in their hands, but Damien was standing pretty casually with his hands in his pockets. Good for him.

"Are you coming to my party tonight?" Laura asked while taking a blow from her cigarette.

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Great!" Jess said smiling at me.

I didn't know why she liked me so much but there was something with her liking of me that didn't make any sense. I felt that she might've felt that she was forced to like me, maybe she saw me as a threat?

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