chapter 2

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Adele's POV :

As we drove toward her car, my curiosity

about her grew stronger. I wanted to know

more about this intriguing girl who had

captured my attention so quickly. "What's

your name?" I asked casually.

"Sun," she replied.

"Is that your real name?" I inquired, sensing

there was more to it.

"Sun is my nickname. My real name actually

means 'sun,'" she said, avoiding my question.

I respected her boundaries and decided not

to push any further.

"So, what do you do other than

photography?" I asked, intrigued by her


"Photography is just a hobby for me. I'm an

engineer," she explained.

"Really? What kind of engineer?" I leaned in,


"A mechanical engineer. I work at an

architecture firm designing the mechanisms

for smart houses," she said with pride.

"Wow, that's impressive! How old are you?" I

probed further.

"Twenty-seven next month," she answered.

"You look younger," I complimented, and she

laughed softly. Her smile lit up the dimly lit

car, and for a moment, I found myself lost in

her bright gaze, captivated by her beauty.

"Here's my car," she said, pointing to a luxury

car parked on the side of the street.

"Oh, right. Be careful," I reminded her, feeling

a strange sense of protectiveness.

"Thank you, really. I came here for extra

points on my resume for my gallery, but I

didn't expect to see my hero here tonight,"

she said, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm not a hero,


"Believe me, you are. I've been through a lot,

and your music was the only thing that never

left me," she confessed, her voice sincere.

After exchanging a final smile, she exited the

car and hurried to her vehicle. I watched her

carefully as she settled into her seat. Once I

was sure she was safe, I drove away, a

strange yearning lingering in my chest.

I really wanted to see her again. Sun had

something about her that made me crave

her presence, an inexplicable connection

that sparked a desire to know her more


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