chapter 5

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Adele's POV :

It's been a month and a half since that night,

and Eleanor has been living with me.

Whenever she steps outside, I ensure at

least three guards accompany her. People

have started to notice that someone is

staying with me, but because I've never

publicly discussed my sexuality, most

assume it's just a friend. For now, the

media's attention has been minimal, but I

know this won't last forever.

I realize that keeping her physically safe

might not be enough. He'll keep pursuing her

unless he knows she's mine-not just

someone in my protection, but someone I'm

deeply connected with. I've been thinking

about how to tell her that she needs to be

mine in a more intimate way, and not just for

show. The only way to ensure her safety is

to make it clear that she's my girlfriend-my

fiancée, even.

At first, I held back, afraid of scaring her. But

now that we've spent time together and

she's grown more comfortable with me, I

can see that she's starting to trust me. We've

shared countless conversations over

late-night dinners and quiet mornings, and in

every interaction, my feelings for her have

only grown stronger. This is no longer just

about protecting her-this is about love.

Somewhere along the way, I've fallen for her,

and these feelings are only getting deeper

with time.

Eleanor is unlike anyone I've ever met. She's

resilient, kind, and her strength is

undeniable, even though she's been through

so much. There's a light in her that draws me

in, something magnetic and pure, and I can't

ignore it any longer. I want her by my side-

not just as someone I'm protecting, but as

someone I love.

I've decided it's time to tell her the truth, to

share my real plan. It's strange, even to me,

that I'm willing to go this far for someone I

barely knew just a few weeks ago. But it's

undeniable now. I don't just want to keep her

safe-I want her. I want her to be mine, not

only because it's the only way to protect her,

but because I love her.

As I sit on the couch, waiting for her to come

back from her errands, I feel the weight of

the decision I'm about to make. I'm nervous,

but there's also a sense of certainty in my

heart. This is what I want. I've never been

the type to shy away from what I desire, and

right now, all I desire is Eleanor.

When she walks through the door, her eyes

meet mine, and my heart skips a beat. It's

time. I have to tell her how I feel-and what

we need to do.

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