chapter 8

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Adele's POV :

The days seemed to stretch longer as my

feelings deepened. Eleanor was becoming a

part of my life in ways I hadn't expected.

Every time we shared a meal, or she laughed

at something I said, I felt a warmth I hadn't

experienced before. But it was also torture-

living so close to her, protecting her, yet still

unable to truly call her mine.

She was still unaware of how strong my

feelings had become. Sure, we played the

part of a couple to the outside world, but

behind closed doors, I was in love, and she

was just... trusting me.

One night, after an exhausting day, Eleanor

came to me, her face tense, her body heavy

with fatigue. She dropped onto the couch

beside me, a glass of wine in her hand,

barely sipping it. I could see the stress in her

eyes, but more than that, I saw her walls

cracking-walls I wanted to tear down, not

for the sake of this charade, but for her, for


Adele: "You seem off. What's bothering


Eleanor sighed, running a hand through her

hair, her eyes focused on the wine.

Eleanor: "I don't know, Adele. Everything

feels surreal. This, us... I just don't know

what's real anymore."

Her words hit me like a punch. She was

slipping away, and I couldn't let that happen.

Not now.

I moved closer, my hand brushing hers. The

air between us thickened with tension. I

wanted to tell her, to spill everything-how I

had fallen in love with her, how this wasn't

just about saving her anymore, but about

having her, really having her.

Adele: "It's real. Everything between us is


She looked up at me, her eyes searching

mine, confused.

Eleanor: "But you said this was just a way to

protect me..."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of

the truth I hadn't been able to say for so


Adele: "At first, yes. But things have

changed. I've changed. I don't want this to

be just about protection anymore. I want

you, Eleanor. Not because of Diddy, not

because of the media, but because I... I care

about you. Deeply."

Her face softened, and for a moment, the air

seemed to still between us.

Eleanor: "I... I don't know what to say."

I moved even closer, our knees almost


Adele: "You don't have to say anything right

now. Just... stay. Let me show you how real

this can be."

And as we sat there, in the quiet, I realized

that this wasn't just about confessing my

feelings. It was about fighting for her, for us.

And I wasn't going to let fear hold me back

any longer.

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