TordTom >:3 - Love

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Tord's POV: It's time for a change, Tom is now mine. He won't escape from his fate. Thomas~ WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!? I think you know~ What the hell!? I put my hands on Tom's hips You can't escape~  I fucking hate you.. Speaking of fucking, I'm gonna fuck you so damn hard~ Shut up! Never, now lift those arms up for me~ Fine. Tom lifted his arms so that I could take his shirt off, I did. Good Boy~ Tom was embarrassed Shut up.. I put my hand on his chest while the other one on his ass Nn.. Stop it.. Oh, stop resisting~ I'm not.. You're such a Good Boy~ I slid my hand in Tom's pants H- Hey! Relax~ Tom whimpered Good Boy, let me take control of you~ I lick my lips How about I take this forward, hm?~ I unbutton Tom's pants and take off his boxers There we go Sweetheart. I grabbed his dick and stroke it with my thumb, Tom moans and whimpers immediately Ahh.. T.. Tord! Daddy! Good Boy, calling me Daddy already~ I gave Tom more hickeys as I continued stroking, Tom was now a panting mess.. Good Boy~ Tom was getting needier by the minute H.. Ahh.. More! Please please please! I smirk Turn over. Tom turns over Good Boy. I enter into Tom, he moans loudly Getting loud are we? Tom blushes Sh.. Shut up.. Ahh!~ I push and shove inside of him Damn you're right as fuck Tom! Y.. You don't think I know tha- Ahht!~ I put my hands on Tom's ass Tord!~ Tom moans, I am feeling so dominant right now.. Faen! Mmph! YOU'RE TIGHTER THAN ANYTHING I'VE FUCKED! GOD DAMN! I started cumming.. Faen, faen, faen.. I said between my panting See who's panting now? You are too Thomas.. We both continued panting God, that felt good.. Yeah it did..

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