MattEdd >:3 - Chubbiness

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Matt's POV: MY SWEET CHUBBY BABY EDD!!! HE'S SO CUTE AND SOFT!!! AND CHUBBYYY!! I made excited squeaks and screams, Edd noticed.. You okay Matt? Yeah, just excited to see you! YOU'RE SO CUTE AND CHUBBY AND SOFT I LOVE ITTTT!! Edd blushes Thank you Matt. I lift Edd's shirt up and rub his stomach Aww who's a cute soft, and chubby boy? You are! You are! Edd chuckles Matt you're making me blush! Stop it! Never!! I continued to rub his stomach You're a Good Boy, my Good Boy. Aww, thank you.. Edd smiles, I stop rubbing his stomach Thank you for letting me rub your belly :3 You're welcome, it was cute.. I kiss Edd's cheek

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2024 ⏰

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