Chapter 7

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-Kylie's p.o.v.-

The rest of the crew finally comes downstairs a few minutes later. Shaynah was wearing blue jean shorts and an blue and yellow Aeropostale shirt. On the other hand Hailey was wearing skinny jeans and a teal shirt from rue 21. None of us dressed fancy because we knew the boys wouldn't go anywhere like that.

"So where we going to eat?" I ask.
"How about the Sea Grill around the corner?" Asks Hayes.
"Sounds good!" I say and we all nod ours heads in agreement.

We finally get there arriving just in time before it was too crowded.

"How many?" The waitress asked with a sweet welcoming smile on her face.
"UGHH... 12" Cameron says thinking twice.
"Yeah 12." I say laughing.
"Follow me." The waitress say while gesturing us into an empty quiet room.
"WOAHHH" I say quietly when they handed us the menu.
"This has to have like 200 meals on it!" Carter said with his eyes opened wide.
We all begin to laugh and look over the menu.
We all end up ordering something different.

"So are you girls enjoying it so far?" Nash asks us with a big smile on his face.
The girls and I look at eachother with a quick glance and say, "ehh It's okay."
The boys suddenly have a worried look on their face.
"We are just kidding!" I say as we start laughing.
"Ooooh. Good!" Nash says with a smile back on his face."
Finally our food comes. It's served on these plates that look more expensive than my phone (iPhone 6+), and my food. Don't even get me started with my food. There was no way in the world I was gonna be able to eat all of this. I take a bite and wow did it taste amazing. It was nothing like any food back home. It was WAYYY BETTER!

We all finished up eating, paid, and headed outside so someone could have the room we were in.
"So?? What's next?" Hayes asked like he hadn't done anything all day.
"Uh. It's 8:45 pm. What can we do?" I asked curiously.
"We can go to the pool at the house.?" Jack G exclaimed.
"Yeh, I guess we could." Cameron said laughing.
"What?" We all ask.
"Nothing." Cameron exclaimed.
We all walked back in silence to the beach house. I pulled out my phone to see what the temp was, 89•. Wow. Surprising it's not hotter.

We all run upstairs and jump into our bathingsuits. As soon as I got mine on I felt my phone buzz in my hand. It was a group message with the boys again.
Cam:Last one down has to sleep outside tonight!
I run downstairs noticing the girls are still in the room.
I reach downstairs before most of the boys get there. The last one down was carter.
"DANG IT!" Carter yelled when he realized he was the last one downstairs.
"Haha you have to sleep outside!" Cam said while laughing.
You could tell Shaynah wasn't happy about this. Hailey and I knew Shaynah secretly liked him, so she volunteered to stay with him.
"Ooooo Shaynah has a crush." Cam exclaimed laughing.
"No I don't." Shaynah said while pushing cam in the pool.
And so it began....

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